Dog lovers and scientists agree that dogs can enhance a person's emotional well-being. They can lower blood pressure, reduce levels of stress hormones, and promote a positive mood. Additionally, dogs can help decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as reduce feelings of anger. While dogs are not a cure-all for mental health issues, they can serve as a helpful starting point.
Police officers are almost twice as likely to experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and depression compared to the general population. One in ten police officers faces other mental health challenges. They are also more prone to sleep disturbances and often experience heightened anger. The contributing factors to these issues include the constant demands of the job, irregular work hours, the emotional toll of handling traumatic incidents, and the lack of accessible mental health resources specifically tailored for the law enforcement community.
Both Celina Police Chief Cullison and Assistant Chief Brown are aware of the day-to-day impacts the job has on their officers and support staff. From the design of the new Celina Police Station to the availability of new resources, they are both committed to improving the mental health treatment of their officers. One of those new resources is the adoption of Darth, a station dog trained by the K9s for Warriors organization, to reduce stress and encourage officers to take a break.
Officer Shawna Quillin came up with the idea of introducing a station dog on the way home from a family trip. After bouncing off the idea with other family members who are also police officers, she spent a month researching best practices, benefits, and what is required to support a station dog program. She contacted Monarch Veterinary Hospital in Celina, who was willing to donate veterinary services to the program. She also secured a commitment from the Celina Community Police Foundation to provide ongoing food and supplies.
In May, Officer Quillin presented her idea to Chief Cullison and Assistant Chief Brown, who immediately said yes. They had both recently attended a policeman's memorial service and noticed another department in the area had a station dog. They realized this is another tool police department leadership can give officers to promote their mental health and well-being.
Officer Quillin began collaborating with Greg Wells from K9s For Warriors to find the perfect fit for the new Celina Police Station. The K9s For Warriors Station Dog Program, recognized by the American Kennel Club, partners with law enforcement and first responder agencies to provide dogs that support police officers, firefighters, dispatchers, and victims.
Soon, they identified a qualified dog named Darth in San Antonio. Darth is a two-and-a-half-year-old Black Lab with some Anatolian Shepherd mixed in. Officer Quillin describes him as a playful goofball who is entirely unaware of his size, weighing in at 80 pounds of muscle and energy. He’s a sweet dog with no aggression, indeed a lover, not a fighter. He was initially in a service dog training program, but after identifying some hip issues, he was moved to a therapy dog training program. Officer Quillin shared, "He has the perfect temperament to be a station dog; he loves everyone he meets."
The new Celina Police Station held its grand opening on July 17th, and Darth came home on July 19th, 2024, to live with Officer Quillin and her family. They have been going through extensive training, including obedience, commands, how to walk with him, and how to lead him. About a week after arriving, he started going to the station with Officer Quillin. He has his crate, food bowls, toys at the station, and a notebook to track his activities throughout the day.
A station dog serves as a therapy dog, supporting the officers. Therapy dogs also receive training but have a completely different type of job from service dogs. Their responsibilities are to provide psychological or physiological therapy to individuals other than their handlers. These dogs have stable temperaments and friendly, easy-going personalities.
When officers return to the station after a challenging day, Darth always greets them with joy. Officer Quillian remarked, "He helps the officers reset." The officers and station staff can take him outside to throw a ball, go for a walk, wrestle, or simply pet him. Darth excels at team building; everyone in the office looks forward to seeing him and gathers around him.
Darth is not a working police dog and cannot accompany the officers on patrol or calls. Rather, he works as an ambassador for the department in the community. He is in training to attend community events, participate in programs for veterans, attend ribbon-cutting events, and visit local fire stations. Officer Quillian wants the community to know him as a friendly therapy dog and not be intimidated by his bigger-than-life personality.
When Darth is not at the station, he enjoys spending time with his family at home. He has formed close friendships with the other pets belonging to Office Quillian. Sometimes, Darth gets “the zoomies” and spins around the house like the Tasmanian devil. Office Quillian jokes that her therapy dog makes her anxious as he dashes around the house.
This year, you can expect to see Darth and Officer Quillian out and about the community, engaging with the citizens of Celina and surrounding communities.