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I kiss my fish for good luck...

Featured Article

Meet the Publisher: Lisa Federico

My "Must Do" list for 2024

Experience an aviation adventure via Take Flight Ohio: Fact: I love to travel, but hate turbulence. So, Take Flight Ohio is on my Must Do List this year. Where else can you fly a commercial airliner without ever leaving the ground? Takeflightohio.com

Do some soul shopping at Fritzy Jacobs boutique. I love, love, love their baby clothes and gifts. This is a great place to escape (and have a friendly conversation with shop owner Anne). Everything is curated beautifully! Fritzyjacobs.com. Indulge in a lavender latte from Kittie's afterward.

Learn about falconry: Another Fact? I have a fear of birds. BUT, falconry sounds so cool. I had no idea this school existed but it’s been running for years. Minutes away and classes offered all year long! Ohiofalconryschool.com

Head to Bliss Home Market: This is open one weekend each month (that’s only 12 weekends per year), so I'm planning to head here to blissfully dream about replacing everything in my home. Mark your calendars! Blisshomemarket.com

Lastly, fishing with my amazing husband, Bryan. Mexico, here we come!

  • Take Flight Ohio
  • Kittie's Worthington Cafe
  • Ohio Falconry School
  • Fritzy Jacobs boutique
  • Bliss Home Market
  • I kiss my fish for good luck...