Every community has those special people that help it to shine its brightest, the ones who go out of their way to improve the places they love for everyone. These are the people Mr. Rogers liked to call ‘the helpers’ and we love when we get to shine a light on them.
This month we’d like to introduce you to Jeff Fisher, a third generation Colorado native from just down the road in Greeley. Fisher has always been interested in providing a safe environment for his neighbors, his nearly three decade long career in law enforcement is clear enough evidence of that. Law enforcement, much like many of Fisher’s other roles, comes down to serving the community. Whether he’s working with Loveland PD, managing affairs in his current position as the Deputy Chief of Police in Louisville or fulfilling his duties as a member of the City of Loveland Planning Commission, it all boils down to finding the most effective way he can serve his community.
In a true utilitarian fashion Fisher tells us, “I want to provide as much good as I can for as many people as I possibly can.”
Having not only grown up here but also raised his daughters here, Fisher understands the complexities of life on the front range. Serving both rural and urban populations over the years. Fly fishing, camping, and hunting in the wild places that all Coloradoans keep in their hearts, and always advocating for the rights of his neighbors, he is a prime example of the Colorado mindset. Finding peace in nature and sharing it with the world around you.