In today’s world, many are looking for ways to work from home, especially doing something they love. Summerlin resident Natalie Carson discovered that many years ago and is now in the diamond level of her business creating residual income, living a healthy lifestyle, and empowering others to do the same.
A Diamond Wellness Advocate with doTERRA International as a Certified Essential Oil Specialist for nearly seven years, this petite brunette and self-described optimist is your neighbor. Married for 22 years and mother to three teenagers, Natalie is also a professional singer and emcee.
She is the first to admit that she never took her health seriously growing up. She was part of the TV dinner and Pop-Tarts generation that ate junk food, canned food, and fast food. Her first glimpse into the world of sickness came at the expense of her parents, and with it the desire to learn more about toxins and how they affect our health.
“It wasn’t until after my father’s quadruple bypass heart surgery in 1999 and the loss of my mother to pancreatic cancer eight years ago that I began to take stock of my own health and eventually learned of the connection that exists between toxins and disease.”
Now, Natalie’s mission is to inspire people to be aware of toxins in the environment and how to detox their body and home.
“Over the past 50 years, 82,000 new chemicals have been introduced into our food and immediate environment and most of them have never been tested for safety around humans,” said Natalie. “I want to help people reduce toxins in their own home; this is not only safer for them, but also for their children, pets, and every human on planet earth.”
She credits Kevin Trudeau’s “Natural Cures They Don’t Want You to Know About” and Chris Wark’s “Chris Beat Cancer” with her initial foray into the subject. She learned toxins contribute to disease, which she points out literally translates into "our bodies not being at ease” and how we are bombarded with chemicals in our food, cleaning supplies, beauty products and even news (what Natalie calls emotional toxins). Natalie’s battle cry – Reduce Your Toxic Load – grew from two inspirational quotes, Dr. Mehmet Oz: “Your genetics load the gun. Your lifestyle pulls the trigger,” and Maya Angelou’s “When we know better, we do better.”
Natalie has helped thousands of clients make better lifestyle choices to reduce their toxic load through a holistic approach where natural, organic products and essential oils are part of the wellness puzzle. Knowing how to best start detoxing our bodies and homes can be overwhelming. Thankfully, Natalie agreed to share some simple detox tips that will yield almost immediate substantial benefits.
Drink More Water ~ Water flushes out toxins. Aim to drink half your body weight in ounces daily.
Body Support and Detox Kicker ~ Add fresh lemon juice to 8 ounces of warm water first thing in the morning to detox, rehydrate, alkalize the body, kickstart your digestive system, gently cleanse your liver, and promote clear skin.
Rid of the Dirty Five ~ Eliminate or reduce foods with artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives, corn syrup, and hydrogenated oils.
DIY Home Cleaners ~ Create eco-friendly, all-natural cleaning solutions with baking soda, vinegar, Castile soap, and essential oils. Such as Natalie’s FAVORITE All-Purpose Cleaner: 1 cup of white vinegar, 10 drops lemon essential oil, and 1 tablespoon of OnGuard Concentrated Cleaner.
Use Natural Solutions to Support Overall Wellness ~ Essential oils are safe, effective, and affordable solutions that can easily be incorporated into any lifestyle with proper guidance and education.
Natural solutions transformed Natalie’s life and business she is eager to empower others not only tp improve their health, but also their livelihood with work-from-home income. Learn more about incorporating a wellness blueprint for your life, attending Natalie’s classes at the Enchanted Forest Reiki Center, and building a business from home, or for recipes, education, and empowerment, at