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Men of Influence

These Four Men Are Making an Impact on Our Community

Article by Stephanie Hasbrouck

Photography by Natalie Luna Photography, Hannah Ratcliff and Contributed

Originally published in Cross Timbers Lifestyle

Albert Schweitzer said, “The purpose of human life is to serve and to show compassion and the will to help others.” From bringing baseball and buddies to an underserved community … to creating hope and healing for young men … to leading a city with neighborly values … and showing a young generation the beauty of the great outdoors, these four men have shown they have hearts to serve.

Jeff Fisher

Executive Director, Miracle League North Texas  

You were instrumental in bringing Miracle League North Texas to Flower Mound. Why was this important to you?

I was first exposed to Miracle League in the Fall of 2017 when the youth baseball team I coached volunteered as 'buddies' with Miracle League DFW in Arlington.  Watching my son and the other young men I coached interact with the Miracle League athletes taught us the true joy of the game of baseball.  We volunteered at least once every season for the next few years.  After one of our volunteer games in Arlington, I connected with a Miracle League parent from Flower Mound.  This connection made me realize there was an underserved population of amazing athletes in the Flower Mound area.  Two years later, we're 140 athletes strong, playing on a turf field and making memories of baseball for all with some amazing athletes!

How meaningful has it been to work with Miracle League North Texas?

Miracle League North Texas brings baseball for all to a previously underserved population of individuals with special needs.  Athletes get to experience the JOY of the game; parents get to cheer on their child from behind the fence; and our buddies get to connect personally with someone they may not have had the opportunity to interact with before. I leave our field with a heart full of joy after our games every Saturday.

How did it feel to receive Flower Mound’s 2022 Outstanding Citizenship Award?

I actually didn't know the award existed until the night it was presented. I was already at Town Hall preparing to present an update on the growth and progress of Miracle League North Texas to Town Council.  In the matter of a few minutes, the Town Hall lobby was filled with Miracle League athletes. It makes me truly proud of the work we've done and the potential that lies ahead for our amazing athletes.

Daniel Jaworski

Mayor, Highland Village  

You have served your country and community in one aspect or another for the past 30 years. Why do you feel it has been important to do so? 

I have just always believed in serving. The people I admired most growing up were people who gave back to their communities and our country, so I was just inspired to do my part. Highland Village and the values of the families I knew growing up played a large part in shaping who I became so I feel an obligation to pay back on that investment.

As mayor, what is your vision for Highland Village?

In spite of all of the changes and ways our city has evolved since the first big growth spurt in the 1980s, when I was a kid, the values and culture of the city have remained the same. It's always been the ideal place to live and raise a family; where kids can ride their bikes and play outdoors, if they choose, and parents know the parents of their kids' friends. We still know our neighbors. My lifelong best friend of over 40 years still lives down the street. I want to make sure I do my part to protect and insure that for our city.

Bob Williams

Founder and CEO, Ranch Hands Rescue  


You changed the entire trajectory of your career in 2009 when you began Ranch Hands Rescue. What inspired you to do so?

In 2007 I suffered a stroke, and I decided to retire from Motorola. I decided then that I would devote whatever time I had left to helping others. In 2009 Ranch Hands Rescue was formed as an animal sanctuary for special needs animals. In 2010 our counseling program started with an emphasis on the 1-10% of individuals, primarily children, who needed a different form or more aggressive approach to mental health counseling. We were the first in the country to partner abused and neglected animals with abused and neglected people. We discovered early on that these animals that were hurt so badly developed a bond with individuals who have suffered severe trauma. To date we've helped thousands of people. In June of 2021, the first safe house in the country for young men 18 and above who have been sex trafficked opened. In addition to that, our Case Manager team serves an average of 50 male clients around the country to provide health care services, housing and other victim-related services while we build out our new 40-acre facility and add additional beds. Bob's House of Hope is a four-year program to not only help these young men work through their horrific trauma but to provide an education or a trade and it focuses on providing hope and healing for each young man in our care. Most importantly, we strive to introduce God and spiritual teachings in our program and daily life. Developing Ranch Hands Rescue and Bob's House of Hope is the greatest thing I've ever accomplished in my life.  

Would you encourage others to take a leap of faith if they feel called to do so?

I believe with all my heart that God puts you where he needs you and that God brings people together for a reason, there are no mistakes. My advice is not only to follow in God's footsteps but to listen to Him and to do our best to always help others. 

Russell Martz

Outdoor Education Teacher, Briarhill Middle School

In a time where youth often are immersed in technology, you introduce them to the great outdoors. Why is this important to you?

We have begun to lose track of the physical world around us. Kids live virtually. The first- hand knowledge and understanding of how nature works and our role in the world around us is essential to the future of nature and our own emotional health. It is important to me that kids understand our place as stewards and that they have an appreciation for the world around them. We remember ‘experiences’ much longer than we remember ‘things,’ and I try very hard to provide those experiences. This is my way of paying forward what my father gave me: a way to bond with my family, a love of the outdoors and an appreciation for the world around us.

In addition to your work in the classroom, you began Doc’s Memorial Outdoor Adventures. Tell us about this program.

Doc's is a tribute to my dad, who took me hunting and fishing even before I was old enough to understand what they were. He volunteered on my trips as a guide, a cook and a mentor to many of my students, before he passed, and treated them like he treated me and his grandkids. You can find out more about Doc's at our Facebook page, Doc's Memorial Outdoor Adventures, and our soon to be released website: