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Jamie Grayson 

Featured Article

Men of the moment

We interviewed four different Northland men about their passions and the things they’ve learned over the last year.

Jamie Grayson 

Founder and CEO of the nonprofit organization, People of All Colors Succeed

What advice would you give to your younger self? 

To be courageous sooner in life and stand up for the voiceless often. It’s something that I was raised to do, but would probably be more vocal about those opportunities. I would also tell my younger self that you are GREAT and can do GREAT things despite the environment you come from. 

Talk about someone who has inspired or taught you something. 

My mother, Marcy Grayson, who I lost nearly five years ago, and my sister Tonya, who passed away from Sickle Cell Anemia at the age of 16 and I was nine.  Their lives and passion for people was embedded in me, and I have made it my life mission to carry their torch since they can no longer carry it for themselves.

What do you hope people think of when they think of you?  

When people think of me, I hope they know or see that I am a “game changer," a person who stands for inclusive change for all people. I hope for people to live their best life no matter where they start in life. They control the outcome and the story of what others someday will share.  

David Royer

Former Master Sergeant in the Army who stopped a gunman in Leavenworth. 

What is your passion?

I am most passionate about my children. It is very important to me that they know they are loved, that they feel good about themselves, and that I do my best to set them up to be successful, happy adults.

What would you say from your soapbox?

There are too many people talking from their soapboxes nowadays. If I found myself with a soapbox, I would just use it to have a better view at the next KC Chiefs Super Bowl parade.

What’s your favorite small business in the Northland?

I was lucky to be able to work for KC Cattle Company last year. They were there for me during my rigorous transition from the military to the civilian sector and I consider all their employees as good friends. 

What is your favorite hobby?

Woodworking has always been a way for me to step out of the day’s stress and create something with my hands that I can be proud of.

What do you hope people think of when they think of you?

I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t mind what people think of me. I just want to see people get along and treat each other with respect.

Todd Beardman

Chief Medical Information Officer at North Kansas City Hospital

What is your passion?

The intersection of technology and healthcare. I enjoy finding creative solutions to healthcare problems by leveraging technology.

What do you do on a free night?

During the pandemic, a free night has been ordering food in and enjoying a movie.

What’s your favorite small business in the Northland?

Priority Care Pediatrics, LLC, which is my wife’s practice.  We started the practice in 2004 with Dr. Alan Grimes. It has been a labor of love and we have watched it grow like our children.

What is your favorite hobby?

Anything sports related. Photography. Sometimes together.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

Recently, I would have to say Operation Safe, which was a beautiful public/private coalition of hospitals, cities, Clay County and private companies who came together to vaccinate Missourians.  We had 4 days to stand up a high throughput vaccination center. The joy of everyone volunteering and patients coming through to be vaccinated was palpable and inspiring.

What’s the most important thing you hope your children take with them out into the world?  

Kindness. I hope that they understand and exhibit kindness to others in all that they do. 

Josh Gloer

Television producer who moved back to Kansas City from Hollywood to be near his family. He works from home to maximize time with his daughter.

What is your passion?

My passion, hands down, is being a dad. Everything else is a hobby. 

What would you say from your soapbox?

Love is love. Hate is hate. And kindness is viral.

Have you had any revelations from the past year?

Getting back into yoga with my friends at Honor Yoga, I’ve remembered that no matter where I think I should be, I’m already where I’m supposed to be.

What do you do on a free night?

If there’s a free night, I’m in the driveway with my family. There will be no shoes, and probably an iced coffee in hand.

What do you hope people think of when they think of you?

Man…that dude seems happy with his life.  

What is your proudest accomplishment?

I’m the most proud when I see my daughter exude kindness – specifically in the face of tough situations.

  • Todd Beardman
  • Jamie Grayson 
  • Josh Gloer
  • David Royer