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Mother Nature & Man

Petersen Concierge Medical believes in the healing power of the hunt

As a hunter settles into a place to glass, he listens and feels. It may take 15 minutes or 30 but ultimately, the world will be smaller, less connected, and more alive. There can be no other worries or stressors. The work has to wait, the argument with the in-laws fades into the background. The bird song intensifies, the sense of smell becomes acute and every sound comes alive. The awareness grows, man becomes part of the woods and the woods become part of him. He returns to the day of yore, to purpose and being. Man becomes a predator among other predators, the hunter.

There is something primal to being in the woods for a hunt. It is a return to the ancient call of man, a place of quiet and purpose, and a way to connect to the deeper part of ourselves that we put aside in a busy world of today. It answers an ancient call home. Regular interludes in the woods bring comfort and ability to be quiet and still, bring patience, situation awareness, and acute sense of being that can easily translate to everyday life. Hunting is fitness, it is improvement in the senses, it is awareness and stability.

While this is invaluable to adults, it is even more so to young kids who grow up in this way of life. A young boy who hunts sees the majesty of an elk, the strength of the moose, the power of the bear, and the beauty of the land. He understands on a deep level that a powerful animal that is hunted deserves respect and gratitude. When that animal falls, there is a value to the meat eaten, the cycle of life and death and the understanding of brutality of nature. A hunt is not simply a physical exertion for the body or a way to get into the woods, it is a connection to manhood and regular honing of the senses that breeds strength, fortitude, patience, awareness, and solidity.

Similar to the woods, there is a connection that happens when we go to the river with a goal and a purpose. While floating down the river is an enjoyable activity, floating or wading down the river with the fly rod is completely different. Just like being quiet in the woods, going to the river to fish places one in need of learning and functioning with the blessing of nature. The senses grow taut, the sun is brighter, the river is more steadfast and reading water becomes paramount. It is that ancient call that disconnects us from the worries of the day and focuses our minds. Both young and old grow strong on the river in body and in mind and to borrow few words from Normal Maclean: “Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.”

Camilla Petersen is the owner of Petersen Concierge Medical, a curated bespoke private medical practice, providing wraparound personalized medical care for its clients.

Petersen Concierge Medical 

2315 McDonald Avenue, Suite 110


"Hunting is fitness, it is improvement in the senses, it is awareness and stability."