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Davia is a 2021 graduate of Kings High School.

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Mentoring & Friendship

Big Brothers Big Sisters finds the potential in every child by providing a trusted relationship.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Cincinnati (BBBSGC) serves 13 counties in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, including Warren County. Cincinnati is the birthplace of this organization which began in 1903 behind the efforts of Irv Westheimer. The nonprofit organization now boasts 250 agencies nationwide and has been serving Warren County specifically for 50 years. BBBSGC matches adult volunteers with children who can benefit from the presence of a positive role model in their life.

President and CEO Kathy List has been involved with BBBSGC for 35 years, also serving as a Big Sister five times. She says, “What we do at Big Brothers Big Sisters is help kids figure out their potential. That requires volunteers to notice struggles and strengths so the child feels like they have an asset.”

Kathy likes to think of the social service personnel at BBBSGC as the secret weapon in ensuring a match is made appropriately, and all parties have proper expectations. This lean organization invests in people rather than buildings and expensive vehicles or equipment. A staff of 25 serves the entire region.

One such match that has resulted in a lasting relationship involves Big Brother Will LeSeur and Little Brother Logan Dizewiecki. After trying an after-school mentoring program, Will wanted to get more involved in youth volunteering. Before moving back to the area, Logan’s mom, Dawn, was a Big Sister in Minneapolis. Based on her experience, she recognized the need for a positive male role model in Logan’s life. Dawn contacted BBBSGC when Logan was 10. 

Early on, Will talked with Dawn almost as much as with Logan to help build a strong relationship. Nearly five years later, Logan, a freshman at Mason High School, and Will, a married man with a son, remain committed to their relationship. In fact, Will's family even enjoys activities and celebrating holidays with Logan and Dawn.

“I feel like my family has become part of their family. We do things together,” Will explains. “At first we took it slow. My son James wasn’t introduced to Logan for months. Now Logan takes on the role of big brother to him when they’re together.”

Logan has seen the progression of his relationship with Will as well. He says, “When we first started meeting, I wouldn't share as much, but now I feel comfortable and share more with him, so it’s more fun.”

There has been a lot of go-cart racing, dining at restaurants, and most recently golfing, including time at a golf simulator. Logan selects more and more of the activities now partly due to his increased confidence. He and Will generally set their schedule without needing Dawn’s involvement. They touch base with BBBSGC for quarterly check-ins, an annual survey and when assistance is required. 

BBBSGC asks for a one-year commitment from both Big and Little Brothers or Sisters. Will and Logan's commitment to each other surpasses the average match length of two and a half years, showing the program's potential. Kathy cites studies indicating the social, emotional, intellectual and academic benefits of the relationship. “We don't have Bigs say, ‘I don't want to do it anymore. I've served my year.’ They may not all make it to five years, but they realize their relationship with the child is important,” she says. 

Will sums it up, "With Big Brothers Big Sisters, it's not just mentorship. I'm building what I expect to be a lifetime friendship with Logan, as long as he wants me to be around him.”

You can support BBBSGC in Warren County in multiple ways. Community-Based and Site-Based volunteering opportunities are available. A complete list of upcoming events and how to become involved with BBBSGC can be found at support, which funds program costs, can be provided at

  • Big Brother Will LeSeur and Little Brother Logan Dizewiecki
  • Big Sister Kim Stone and Little Sister Davia
  • Davia is a 2021 graduate of Kings High School.
  • BBBSGC President and CEO Kathy List