1 - Bug Camp for children up to 12 years
Veterans Memorial Park at 3:30 PM: Children's outdoor nature program using a whole-child, emergent learning approach. EverwildForestSchool.org
1 - Meridian Stuart Little Camp
Treasure Valley Children's Theater at 1 PM: Explore the classic E.B. White tale and create a performance fit for a...mouse! TreasureValleyChildrensTheater.com
1 thru 5 - YMCA Summer Day Camp
Treasure Valley Family YMCA: Summer child development and youth programs. YMCATVIdaho.org
5/6 - Kuna Days
Main Street: Live music, kids carnival, parade, fun run, family movie night, axe throwing, lawnmower races, mullet contest, food & retail vendors. KunaChamber.org
5 thru 27 - Little Shop Of Horrors
Idaho Shakespeare Festival at 8 PM: A deviously delicious Broadway and Hollywood sci-fi smash musical. IdahoShakespeare.org
9 thru 11 - Ooey Gooey Science Camp
Children's Museum of Idaho at 9:30 AM: Children learn through play and exploration in environments and experiences created just for them. CMIdaho.org
11 - Zoo Boise Wine Safari
Zoo Boise at 5:30 PM: Wine tasting, VIP animal talks, tours, and experiences. ZooBoise.org
13 - Boise Soul Food Festival
Julia Davis Park at 11 AM: African-American-inspired soul food, Southern flavors, live entertainment. BoiseSoulFood.org
13 - A Day At The Park
Julius M. Kleiner Memorial Park at 3 PM: Crafters and home businesses, splash pad, food trucks, and family friendly activities. MeridianCity.org
14 - Ste. Chapelle Open Air Sunday Summer Concert
Ste. Chapelle Winery at 1 PM: Ashley Rose Band. SteChapelle.com
14 - 2nd Annual Vintage Car Show in Eagle
Coffee & Supply Co. at 8 AM: Annual vintage car show. CoffeeAndSupplyCo.com
16 thru 20 - Caldwell Night Rodeo
D&B Arena, Caldwell at 6:30 PM: Bareback riding, steer wrestling, team roping, saddle bronc, tie-down roping, barrel racing and bull riding. CaldwellNightRodeo.com
16 thru 20 - The Music Man
The Huckleberry Theater at 7 PM: Songs like "Wells Fargo Wagon", "Goodnight My Someone", and "76 Trombones". TheHuckleberryStar.com
19 thru 28 - Western Idaho Fair
Expo Idaho at 12 PM: Western Idaho Fair’s history dates back to 1897 when it got started as the Intermountain Fair. IdahoFair.com
20 - Marvelous Meridian Library Playdate
Cherry Lane Branch at 10 AM: Early literacy, play, and explore activity stations for ages 0-5. MLD.org
20/21 - Snooze at the Zoo Overnight
Zoo Boise at 6:30 PM: Camp out under the stars right in the middle of the city! ZooBoise.org
24 thru 4 - Cutting Horse Show - Futurity/Derby/Horse Show
Ford Idaho Center at 8 AM: Shows and aged events that will enhance the Cutting Horse interests, activities and industry. IdahoCHA.com
26/27 - Street Outlaws at Eagles Firebird Raceway
Firebird Raceway at 2 PM: The stars of the hit TV show on the Discovery Channel make their third appearance at NPK-Idaho. FirebirdOnline.com
27 - Boise Water Lantern Festival
Julia Davis Park at 5:30 PM: Friends, families, and neighbors come together to create a peaceful, memorable experience. WaterLanternFestival.com
31 thru 4 - Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic
Ann Morrison Park at 7 AM: Family-oriented production for the public. Free! SpiritOfBoise.com