30/3 — Spirit of Boise Balloon Classic
Ann Morrison Park, 7 AM: A weekend of endless colorful balloons and inspiring music. SpiritofBoise.com
1/2 — KUNA Stampede RODEO
Crooked 8, 1882 E King Rd: classic events such as bareback riding and steer wrestling and so much more. Crooked8.com
2 — Dracula: The Bloody Truth
Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5:30 PM: From the sinister Transylvanian mountains to the charming seaside town of Whitby. IdahoShakespeare.org
Downtown each Saturday: traditional Farmer's Market. MeridianMainstreetmarket.com
Frontier Park, 6 PM: food, drinks, and sweet treats from the Downtown Merchants. MeridianDowntown.org
7— Goodnight, Texas • Great Garden Escape
Idaho Botanical Garden, 5:30 PM: Beautiful music with the Great Garden Escape as background. idahobotanicalgarden.org
8 — Meridan Lions Club Golf Scramble
Lakeview Golf Course, 9 AM: Benefitting Idaho Diabetes Youth Programs. E-clubhouse.org
8-10 — Boise Art Museum’s Art in the Park
Julia Davis Park, 10 AM: widely recognized as one of the premiere cultural events in the Northwest. BoiseArtMuseum.org
9 — Hops & Crops Festival
Indian Creek Plaza, 1 PM: Did you know that 95% of all hops grown in the US come from the Pacific Northwest? IndianCreekPlaza.com
14 — Wine Safari at the Zoo
Zoo Boise, 11:30 AM: Experience your favorite animals with a taste of wine around the world. zooboise.org
Indian Creek Plaza: two-day festival that spans blocks in downtown Caldwell. IndianCreekPlaza.com
16 — Dragonslayer 5K Walk
Ann Morrison Old Timer Shelter, 8:30 AM: A non-competitive, untimed, 5K walk to honor Sarcoma patients, survivors, and angels. dragonslayerwalk.com
15-17 — Hyde Park Street Fair
Camel’s Back Park: Boise’s most unique arts & music festival. NorthendBoise.org
22-24 — Flipside Fest 2023
Visual Arts Collective, 4:00 PM: Outdoor festival open to all-ages featuring bands, live murals, and an interactive walking tour. TheDuckClub.com
22-24 — Boise Pickleball Open
Meridian’s Settlers Park, 8 AM: Men's, Women's, and Mixed Doubles, Skinny Singles. BoisePickleballClub.org
23/24 — Idaho Renaissance Faire
Expo Idaho, 11 Am: artists, local crafters, Armored Combat, the king and queen of 1492 Italy. ExpoIdaho.com
23 — Styx at Morrison
Morrison Center, 8 PM: Rock band that has forged an indelible legacy both on record and onstage. Morrisoncenter.com
23 — Old Boise Oktoberfest 2023
Old Boise, 2:00 PM: Live music, beer, brats, and more. OldBoise.com
24 — Wild River Dash
Esther Simplot Park, 10 AM: For families and people of all ages, combining paddling and running activities. WildheartsIdaho.org
25/26 — Impressionists Immersive Exhibition
Discovery Center of Idaho, 10 AM: Immerse yourself in a realm where famous artwork is brought to life. dcidaho.org
28 — Eagle Art Walk
Downtown Eagle, 5 PM: Live music performances and vibrant exhibits of handcrafted goods. Treasure hunting too. EagleArtWalk.com
28 — Nate Bargatze: The Be Funny Tour!
Idaho Central Arena, 7 PM: 2021 Grammy nominated comedian and “The nicest man in Stand Up” will hit Idaho. idahocentralarena.com
28 — Disney On Ice presents Into the Magic
ExtraMile Arena through Oct 1: Disney On Ice celebrates the magic of bravery, love, and adventure. ExtramileArena.com
29 — Comic Arts Festival
Around Boise thru Oct 1: Artists’ Alley, cosplay, panels, performances, and workshops- all for free. boisepubliclibrary.org