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More Than the Scoreboard

Two Men Focused on Changing Lives Both on And Off the Field

Article by Desiree Gustafson

Photography by David Grossman of Colorado Photography

Originally published in Windsor City Lifestyle

To be in a position of influence is a great privilege and one that coaches Mike Lordemann and Charlie Kingsbury both hold in high regard. They do not take the opportunity to help build strong foundations rooted in teamwork, kindness, and strength lightly. In fact, they consider it a great honor. 

Soccer is a unique game because there are no time-outs, the players must learn to solve problems in the moment, working with their teammates, which is a lot like life. We don’t get redo’s and we are required to learn and move forward with mistakes, integrating the positives with the negatives to learn and grow. 

Through their own life experiences as both fathers of daughters themselves and coaches, they bring a unique perspective and aim to instill bricks of character and grace into their team in hopes of helping their players approach soccer and life with a strong foundation of who they are and an ability to work together, be honest, and give kindness. They believe that soccer is a great place to build character and the best way to do that is to communicate that. 

“We know from our experience that we get a lot of time with these girls on the field, and we are fortunate to have great kids and great families, and that time will produce a better team but the challenging part for us, is the character piece and knowing that that is what is going to get us through the tough moments on the field, so we really put an emphasis on letting soccer be an avenue to help teach life” shares coach Mike.

The coaches set their aim at letting soccer not only be the best part of the day for their players but also being a safe place where their players can come to build confidence and be supported. Coach Mike and Coach Charlie have made it a point to have female members on staff because they understand that sometimes as men, they may not always get what may be going on for their players on any given, day, week, or hour. Making sure their young women have a place to go and people they can talk to and confide in on those tougher days is something they make sure is understood within their team to help support these young women and to ensure they feel seen and heard.

A code of honesty encompasses their program, allowing for authenticity to thrive and offering a place where players are allowed to be themselves whilst being a part of something bigger. Looking back on his notebook from the last three years of coaching, Mike and Charlie realize that there is more to soccer than a scoreboard, a goal, or winning; it is about what can be taught outside of sports that will make them a better team and better individuals. 

Focused on enhancing the whole being of their players, they bring in three unique mission statements that have become a tradition for them. First, every year they make “Be a good person” shirts for the team and families; a reminder to give to others and bring forth kindness. Second, an amazing motto of theirs is Family – Forget – About - Me – I – Love – You. Focused on helping them realize family comes in all shapes and sizes and from more places than one. And last but certainly not least, to focus on taking the pressure of the scoreboard out. Sharing that life is not best lived through a scoreboard, life is much more precious than winning and losing.  

Surrounding their players and their community with support, voices of encouragement and wisdom, they hope they can convey that when the pressure arises and we are prepared with the right education and perspective, it can refine us, purify us, and allow the best of us to shine. Windsor is lucky to have coaches dedicated to not only helping their young women become better soccer players and athletes, but also centering their focus around helping them succeed in becoming kind, generous, and authentic human beings. 

“Life is not best lived through the scoreboard; life is much more precious than wins and losses.”

~Charlie Kingsbury

“We really put an emphasis on letting soccer be an avenue to help teach life.” 

~Mike Lordemann