Native Coloradans are rare these days. We live among a wide field of transplants from all over the United States and beyond. Reid Winegar is a native with deep roots in the Colorado soil. "There's very few of us left; with all the people living here, it's harder to come across somebody who is originally from here."
Reid met his wife Kaylee years ago at a dinner party in downtown Denver. "There were six of us friends that went out that night and we all ended up marrying our dates from the evening!" He tells me. Their family grew with the birth of Charlie, now eight years old. "After my first daughter was born, I was traveling a lot. I could be gone for up to four weeks at a time. I could see the toll it was taking on Kaylee, who also had a full-time job." He left a career in oil and gas and went to work for a landscaping company. Three years later, he opened Ridgeline Services and Scapes. A year after that, daughter Lily was born. She has grown up alongside the business
"Do you have a quote that inspires you in life?" I asked him. "Yes! 'Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times.’ It's by G. Michael Hopf. It inspires me to be a better father, husband and leader in general. It reminds me of the importance of proper leadership and the results that follow, good or bad."
"Reid, what makes a house a home, in your opinion?" I asked. "I think it’s specific to everyone. For me, it’s definitely my comfort zone. It's where I come to relax. It's where we entertain. Everyday, I look forward to going home after work."
Reid believes that home extends beyond its four walls. "Your outdoor living spaces can connect to your inside spaces. The home and the yard itself can give a larger and more inviting feeling. I like to have it all flowing together, whether it's the ambience of a water feature, a fire pit or outdoor furniture. I want the same comfort level outside as there is inside." Ridgeline Services and Scapes offers commercial and residential design, masonry, water and fire features, irrigation, native arbor, wood pergolas, snow removal and much more. Visit to find out more.
Reid's tips for Spring spruce up.
1. Trim hedges and plants before they bloom.
2. Clean small leaves and trash from garden beds and rocks.
3. Buy a plant or shrub that keeps bugs away.
"Your outdoor living space can connect to your inside spaces!"
"Home is my comfort zone! I look forward to going home at the end of the day."