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Nothing Is Better Than Exceeding My Customers' Expectations

We strive to be the light in a storm or during adversity

Article by Guy Jones & Leza Mueller

Photography by Taylor Belk at Taylor Made Photography

Originally published in Gainesville City Lifestyle

In 2020 my family decided to move to Gainesville. I was looking for a great community to grow my business, somewhere my faith could be my inspiration and a community where my family would thrive. In all those areas and many more, Gainesville was a natural fit.

What challenges did you find when you arrived in Gainesville? 

Coming to a new community does have its challenges, and the major one for Pinnacle Restorations has been letting everyone know we are here and providing the best quality service to be found in town. Our first strategy to let our new community know we are here has been building relationships, being a part of the Chamber and supporting other local business owners.

Why is Pinnacle Restorations the best?

I come from a very competitive family, from my dad who is a Hall of Fame High School Coach and one-time professional athlete, to my brothers who all played at a collegiate level. Competition is in our blood and a part of my team development. My team is gritty and focused on getting better in each service area, every week. This focus has been monumental to our development and success.

How do you balance family and work? 

I don’t waste time with distractions. When it’s time for business, I am 100% focused on my business. But when not focused on my business, my focus is my family. My family means the world to me. When with my family, I am fully present. 

What is your guiding motto? 

I live by the motto to do the best I can and let everything else shake out. I am really tough on myself and so I surround myself with a team that I can learn from and that holds me accountable. Positive reinforcement goes a long way in building a great team. I tell my team,” Iron sharpens Iron”. I expect the best from myself and them.

Why am I in business? 

For my customers. Nothing is better to me than exceeding my customers’ expectations. Some of our most challenging jobs are when our customers need us there as soon as possible and in the case of Emergency Water Damage jobs, well, that is always the case. We strive to be there within the hour, and nothing makes my day more than seeing the look on their faces when we restore their home back to its original glory. Our logo, the Lighthouse, reflects that drive, to be the light in a storm or during adversity, that’s Pinnacle Restorations.

In the past year we have received 60 plus Google 5-star reviews. I love that my customers feel like their money is well spent with us. Business relationships with Pinnacle Restorations should always be a win-win. We will provide the best service and you will get the best product. Reach out to us at Pinnacle Restorations at (352) 448-8043 or by email at and for emergencies call our 24-Hour Emergency Service line (352) 448-8043. Looking forward to speaking with you soon. 

I tell my guys you have to be a good follower before you can be a good leader. I want my guys to know my expectations and always stay ahead of the industry curve.