It's that time again! Are you sprinting to the local Walgreens to fluff up the petals on your last-minute five-dollar bouquet? Whether you are the kind of partner who shoots for the moon or finds V-day challenging, heartfelt living is a robust gauge of vibrant health in relationships. Everyone needs love...and everyone needs some humor to get through love.
We found some great quotes and then added words of fun relationship insight from a Female and Male perspective to help you survive V-day with a smile!
"Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet service to see who they really are."
- Will Ferrell.
F: It's so true that you should know your partner's best and worst sides, accept them as they are, and decide if you can "forever" with them.
M: Sadly, I'm slow to "compute" technology and quick to get frustrated, just like being in a relationship. Patience is a virtue!
Women cannot complain about men anymore until they start getting better taste in them.
-Bill Maher
F: Men can be confused by the "potential" we want them to achieve. Women can often be blind-sighted by fleeting potential and believe that someone's potential is more than simple potential.
M: You can't change or control another person. So, create a safe space to discuss your relationship without expecting to agree on everything.
"As a man in a relationship, you have a choice: You can be right or you can be happy."
-Ralphie May
F: "Happy wife, happy life!"
M: You don't have to concede to the other person to maintain peace. There is no right or wrong; there is truth to both perspectives, but it doesn't mean either person's perception is accurate.
If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question?
— Lily Tomlin
M: Love is love. There are too many expectations built into the idea that it becomes convoluted. Be honest with your partner and understand they also have unique needs.
F: Is that eternal feeling of "being in love" the goal? Or, should be planning for the potential of a life-long friend who won't drive us crazy or to an early grave?
Relationships are living entities that experience peaks and valleys. Sometimes, the best we can do for love is roll with the waves, no matter how difficult. Break a leg (not a heart)!
Relationship research shows that humor helps love preserver and last. A good joke and laughing together is like couples therapy.