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Illustration by Isabella Brouster

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'Oh Olive' New Children's Book

Lifestyle Publisher Pens Book To Encourage Others To Marshal Courage Deep Within Themselves

Olive the Bulldog is a real-live, happy-go-lucky pup with a courageous spirit and a heart full of love, bringing joy to everyone she meets. She's also the subject of a new children's book titled Oh Olive. However, Olive has a secret to share with readers: She's terribly frightened of thunderstorms. 

City Lifestyle Publisher Kelley G. Lamm authored the book, in honor of her beloved English Bulldog whose name is truly Olive. The story unfolds in New Town, the real community of Kelley and her Lifestyle co-publisher husband, Gordon Montgomery.

"Olive is so easy-going, but wow, when a thunderstorm moves in, she shakes and tries to hide anywhere she can," shares Kelley. "She inspired me to write about conquering fears, and to remind others that even during the wildest storms, there's always sunshine waiting on the other side."

Kelley says she hopes readers of the book will find, or reconnect with, their staying power and courage to face and overcome obstacles or threats. "In life, we all encounter stormy times—those moments when skies darken and challenges loom. It's during these difficult moments we must remember Olive's lessons about summoning bravery to face our fears head-on and find solace in the fact that storms will pass."

Kelley suggests three essential steps to navigate the stormiest times with courage and grace:

  1. Embrace the Olive within you. Tap into your playful soul and find joy in life's simple pleasures. Chase after passions with uncontainable excitement, and let your heart wag with joy. Remember that amidst challenges, there's always room for happiness.
  2. Seek companionship on your journey. Surround yourself with love and friendship as pillars. Reach out to loved ones, seek their guidance, and offer your support in return. Together, we can weather any storm and emerge stronger.
  3. Believe in your own fortitude. Each one of us possesses a wellspring of bravery deep within. When faced with adversity, tap into that reservoir of courage, and take that leap of faith. Trust in yourself, for you're capable of remarkable things.

Pre-sales of Oh Olive, Oh No! A Thunderstorm! are scheduled to begin this September. The launch party is slated for Sept. 28. Look for the book's online offering through Ingram Sparks/Amazon. For updates, email