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On the Bookshelf (and Beyond) with Genevieve Padalecki

Here’s the hard truth, I think I've started and stopped this introduction about eight times.  My computer is covered in crumbs and some leftover peanut butter (the reminders of Covid quarantining) and there might be a few drops of wine (when quarantining happy hour can start any time, right?!).  We’ve been at home for a few days now due to a recent exposure and one positive case in our home and I’m trying to find ways to be productive, be a decent parent and manage to put something on the table other than a PB&J sandwiches, but alas it’s either that or wilting vegetables from my garden.  I have a feeling as I write this in January, most of us are fatigued reading this in March, which is why I hope that these books give a little bit of relief, provide an escape, or spark a bit of inspiration


One Italian Summer 

By Rebecca Serle

I am dreaming of the Italian life right about now. I read Serle’s book In Five Years, in the beginning of the pandemic and couldn’t put it down.  I’ve been anxiously anticipating a follow up and Serle’s newest book is a promising page turner. After the passing of Katy Silver’s mother, her planned mother-daughter trip to the Amalfi Coast becomes a solo healing adventure.  Katy learns about herself and reconnects with her mother along the way.  Serle always gets the feel good deep connections right.  I have a feeling it will be a welcome distraction


Letters to a Young Athlete 

By Chris Bosh. 

 One of the GOATs in basketball, Chris is as extraordinary with his pen as he is with his ball skills.  His book, Letters to a Young Athlete, is both inspirational, and motivational.  Reflecting on a life of hard work and dedication to the sport of basketball, Chris shares his journey and the lessons he learned along the way.  I loved every lesson of this book and loved it even more the second time reading it to my boys.  I only wish I had access to these truths as a young kid because not only are they lessons for on the playing field or court, but are just as valuable of a gift off the court.

The Twelve Monotasks

By Thatcher Wine 

I've become a champion multitasker, as I am writing this with a 4-year-old on my lap and a 9-year-old throwing a football back and forth to me, but what has become apparently obvious is that I’m not the best monotasker. Thankfully Thatcher spells it out for us on how to quiet the cacophony and listen to what matters, one thing at a time.