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Stronger Together

We have changed the way we teach, run our businesses and interact. Our healthcare workers, first responders, business owners, friends and neighbors have all rallied to fight a war against this silent enemy. Stay Strong, Parker! Good things can come from change, even though we didn't plan for it. As C.S. Lewis said, "There are far better things ahead than we leave behind."

As we have slowed down, I have noticed that people are more kind, compassionate and patient. My hope is that this will continue and the world has learned we don't need as much - we just need each other.  - Joan Dameron, publisher

For many years one of my guiding mantras has been “bloom where you’re planted.”  To me, this has always meant that no matter where you end up, you can have an impact.  In our current climate, this concept isn’t necessarily specific to your location.  Now, more than ever, I feel this refers to circumstance – a cactus doesn’t bloom in a cool, humid climate – until it does… - Jeni Fleck, publisher

Over the past couple of months, I've been reminded that all workers are essential, all work is essential. No matter how you provide and care for your family, friends and community, you are essential. Do your work well. — Jennifer Starbuck, editor