“I started this journey as a client at a blow-dry bar in Florida,” says Primp & Blow owner, Erin Lipton. “I thought it was a fantastic idea, and that started three years of discovery with different brands.”
In July, Erin opened the first Primp & Blow franchise on the East Coast, bringing something exciting and new to Evans!
It’s not the typical hair salon. “We are a blow dry bar,” says Erin, “so we do not cut or color hair.”
“Here, a client could come in, have a shampoo with a head massage, add a hair mask and then get a full blow out style. It’s a technique that our franchise created,” Erin explains. “We do brush setting. So we do a lot of the work with the round brush—creating volume and curl—and then we can polish with the hot tools if the client would like.” They also offer makeup applications, three different types of hair extensions and strip eye lashes.
“We’re not just geared to events,” says Erin. “We prep people for events, and it’s fantastic, but we are an everyday stop as well.” Primp & Blow is prefect for new moms, people who are injured or recovering from surgery, or people who simply enjoy the process of someone else washing and styling their hair.
When she was discovering brands, Erin says she fell in love with Primp and Blow’s tag line of “Confidence to-go”. She says, “We have a very limited time to impact someone’s life, and we take that very seriously. When someone comes in, they are a priority to us.”
Her impact goes beyond clients. Erin tells us, “As an employer, if you view yourself as a person who opens doors, you start looking at people very differently. It’s my job to take everyone and see their value because that’s what I’m telling them to do with our clients—to find value in everyone.”
“There is so much more in everyone’s story, and that goes back to our clients,” Erin says. “We don’t know what the person sitting in the chair has faced, and we might be the best thing that happens to them all day.”
Primp and Blow offers a club membership that includes discounts and freebie extras. Gift cards and certificates are also available. Find out more information about their services and available appointments using the Primp & Blow App or on their website PrimpandBlow