St. Albans-based intuitive life coach Tina Perrmann published an inspirational book, BEaUtiFuLL Gracie Angels and Guides Book to declare and demonstrate there is indeed healing, love, joy and bliss in the presence of angels.
"Angels represent the Creator’s tender, unconditional, loving care for you. The Angelic Kingdom is always working on your behalf in numerous ways. They guide, guard, protect and love you throughout all stages of your life," Tina says. "Usually when you feel most alone, or hopeless, they're closer than you think."
Tina says angels act as channels for the Creator’s love and grace to flow through individuals. For example, she cites angels of forgiveness, adoration, miracles, love and protection.
For more than two decades as an intuitive life coach/mentor, she says she's helped thousands of individuals, couples and business owners heal their traumas, release emotional blocks and provide them tools and spiritual resources to move forward in their goals, heart’s desires and dreams.
"I created this book to assist others with their spiritual connection, guidance and soul’s journey," she explains.
Within her particularly empathetic gift as a life coach and based on her own near-death experience on April 5, 2021, she says she perceives with clarity, the truth of a person’s story that's keeping them from what they want in life.
"The intention I hold for them is so pure that it lends my clients the safety and energy to keep moving forward. The changes and transformations I see in people after sessions are, at times, nothing short of miraculous,” Tina adds.
She says the book's namesake is her own guardian angel, Beautiful Gracie.
Tina's book can be purchased on her website, Etsy or Amazon, and locally at The Porch In Wildwood or The Marketplace At The Abbey.
“When I get peaceful, quiet and surrender, the information, visions and symbols play like a movie on a screen before me." ~energy-based therapist Tina Perrmann