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Women of Influence

The Lasting Legacy of Influential Women

Being a woman in the business sphere is to be a part of a unique world. Women are no strangers to contributing commercially and continue to be key propellants in America’s ever-evolving, economic arena. Currently, forty percent of businesses are owned by women and female consumers influence eighty-five percent of household spending. So, with trillions of dollars at the female consumer’s disposal, female business owners, with a more intimate knowledge of their target market, are becoming ever more well-positioned to get their piece of the pie. But who are these women who are increasingly popping up in the business zeitgeist and what inspires them to throw their hats into the ring? In Fort Worth, the ladies of business share how female mentorship was key to their success, how women before them paved their way, and their own hopes and dreams for future generations. 

Sabina Yochum, Emerald Bridal Lounge 

I’m holding Kiki Obidinski, my mother. The idea of Emerald Bridal Lounge came about when we welcomed our first son into the world almost two years ago. Through the chaos of being a first-time mother, being a first-time business owner, and working a full-time job at my husband's family’s company, my mother was always THERE. The constant support has opened my eyes and heart to a different kind of love. A love that I didn’t quite understand until I became a mother myself. My mother has been the constant rock that has allowed me to follow my dreams so that, one day, I hope I can do the same for my family. A mother’s love can change the world! 

Donna Anderson, Texas American Agency

I’m holding Cathy Anderson, my sister. Cathy is a leader in everything she does. She was our Assistant City Manager in Mansfield and was able to retire at 48 years old. She has shown me how to be an independent woman and a leader which has had such a positive influence on my life and inspires everyone around her. 

As I primarily deal in helping seniors settle their affairs, I am reminded of how fast life goes by. My hope for future generations is that they slow down on this ride we call life. Put the phone down and enjoy time with their family and friends.

Kara Baker, Move Athleisure

I have a picture of my sister Gaye Lowe. My older sister Gaye is probably one of the finest human beings I know. Her eldest son was born with cranial stenosis and Gaye took care of him, worked full time, and went back to school to get her college degree, all in her 30's. The way she lives her life inspired me at age 49 (after my divorce) to pursue something I was passionate about, and Move Athleisure was born. My mantra for my store has always been, “make a change for the better,” and I am hopeful that my story will help other divorced women go after their dreams, whatever their age.

Sarah Hardy, Real Estate Advisor with Engel & Völkers.

I'm holding a picture of my mother, Sherry Rimer. My Mother was born in June 10, 1944 - December 4, 2017. I was so fortunate to be born the daughter of Sherry Rimer. My Mother influenced my life from birth to the day she passed away by showing me unconditional love every day. She put her entire family first, modeling for us what it meant to give fully and to serve others out of love. She taught me the importance of having fun, enjoying life, investing in relationships and how I receive so much when I give. My mother influenced me to give 100% in my work, my relationships and in life.

I want future generations to know that people who achieved greatness did so by making mistakes, falling down and getting back up again. I tell my team at work to keep their heads down and focus on their goals, not to be worried about what others are doing or saying. Don't get distracted by all the noise of the world we live in and success will follow.

Tammie Warner, Camellia Farm Flora

I'm holding a picture of Allene Massey, My grandmother, influenced me the most as she spent hours with me as a young girl in her garden. I very vividly remember her rose bushes and how we would cut the roses and carefully place them in water around her home. Her love of Jesus and strength as a woman influenced me even as a young child. Each of us has a purpose, my prayer for future generations is that they can realize that purpose. I believe God intended me to create beauty through flowers and to bring hope, joy and happiness to others through this. I hope that my love for Jesus, instilled in me by my grandmother will shine through to young people.  

Christa Holbert, REALTOR©️, League Real Estate 

I'm holding a picture of Elizabeth Tipton, my grandmother. She has been a significant influence throughout my life. I have learned so much by her example of faith, family and hard work. At the young age of 60, she decided to pursue her bachelor’s degree at Baylor University. Now in her “retirement”, she oversees the management of the family real estate investment business. She is one of my favorite people to talk “houses” with!

My grandmother believed that she could, and she did, and in watching her, I believed that I could too. I hope to be an example and inspiration to others that a strong work ethic and persistence are the key to accomplishing your goals and will pave the way for you to do anything you set your mind to. 

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