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Plants for Wellbeing

Fill Your Home With Glorious Greens To Improve Your Health

A day doesn’t pass when I don’t meet another ‘plant parent’ around town. I am not sure if I knew until the last year that my 12-plus year hobby — or as my husband likes to call, obsession — had an identity. Loosely defined, a plant parent is someone who looks after plants with as much care and devotion as they would a child or a pet. This trend has really taken off in recent years and it’s easy to see why. Houseplants offer us a connection to the outdoor world and let us experience the satisfaction of nurturing life. 

When I adopted my first plant I was just looking to compliment my new home’s décor. I had torn a page out of Architectural Digest with a picture of a room that was designed with a beautiful plant. I found that same plant at a florist in historic downtown Castle Rock and happily drove it home like a new-born baby. My original reasons for plants in my home were to make my spaces look beautiful. I quickly discovered that the plants were improving the air quality in my home. That’s when I started my deep dive into researching the benefits of plants in the home. While the health benefits of plant-based diets are well documented, new research uncovers the lesser-known uses of the nature around us. 

I started asking the local owners of our area floral shops, garden centers, nurseries and garden club members every possible question I could think of. Plant people generally are more than willing to share their knowledge and welcome every question. They are among the happiest group of people to be around. They are natural-born nurturers. So don’t be afraid when you are getting started to seek advice from experts and fellow plant enthusiasts.  

To get started filling your home with your very own healthy greens, here are top recommendations for areas in your life to focus on, be it mental clarity or better sleep. There is a plant out there for you, just don’t give up.

Growing plants is a labor of love. As such, there’s bound to be some trial and error involved and some mistakes along the way. Be patient with yourself and remember that you’re getting better each day. Have fun on this adventure, you are not only filling your home with beauty, but you are actively improving your wellbeing and those you live with. 

Plants that reduce anxiety 

Lavender is known for its stress-relieving qualities; it slows down the heart rate and lowers blood pressure to greatly reduce stress. This is why its scent can often be found in lotions and sprays. Snake Plant is also believed to reduce anxiety, improve respiratory problems and cure the symptoms of a headache.

Plants that help you sleep

Not getting enough sleep has a huge impact, from our health to our work abilities to our social lives. Whether you struggle to drift off or are easily disturbed in the night, keeping a potted Aloe Vera plant beside your bed could help you see the night through, as it produces oxygen at night to combat insomnia and improve overall sleep quality. 

Jasmine flower is also believed to reduce anxiety levels which in turn will help you drift off to sleep, and the gentle scent will keep you in a deep sleep throughout the night.

Peace lilies are also believed to improve air quality by as much as 60 percent and true to their name, bring  a sense of peace and relaxation.

Plants that increase productivity

Having plants in your home office can increase productivity. They reduce stress and fatigue while aiding memory retention. 

Bamboo Palm is known for its ability to fight indoor air pollution, promoting clear-thinking and easy breathing. Another plant is Golden Pothos which removes air toxins and absorbs unpleasant smells – the perfect plant to keep by the fridge or in the kitchen.

Plants that clear the air 

Removing harmful toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene will keep both you and your home happy and healthy. Rubber Plant and Peace Lilies are both incredibly effective at purifying the air around you. Rubber Plants are great for removing harmful toxins, particularly formaldehyde, and these plants become more efficient at cleaning the air as time goes on. 

Plants that fight infection 

Herbal remedies have been used to fight infection for centuries and still stand the test of time today. Before pharmacies were readily available, Red Clover was used in teas and ointments to treat coughs, colds and skin irritations.