Yoga Pod invites us to embrace strength, balance, and focus with this week’s featured pose: Virabhadrasana I, or Warrior I. A cornerstone of yoga practice, this dynamic posture combines physical power with mindful intention, helping practitioners cultivate resilience and poise.
Virabhadrasana I – Warrior I
How to Get Into the Posture:
- Begin in a standing position (Tadasana).
- Step your left foot back about 3–4 feet, turning it slightly outwards (about 45 degrees).
- Bend your right knee directly over your ankle, forming a 90-degree angle.
- Keep your back leg strong and straight.
- Raise your arms overhead with palms facing each other or touching.
- Square your hips and chest forward.
- Gaze forward or slightly upward between your hands.
- Hold for 5–10 breaths, then switch sides.
- Strengthens the legs, shoulders, and arms.
- Opens the chest and hips.
- Improves balance, stability, and focus.
- Encourages deep breathing and enhances lung capacity.