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Featured Article

Puppy Love

How the Yearslong Wish of Three Very Determined Young Girls Finally Came True

Article by Chris Sherritt

Photography by Matthew J Capps

Originally published in Loveland Lifestyle

After an enthusiastic chorus of “Look here, Archie, look here!” he turned to the camera—as a good boy would—and click. Perfect. This year’s Loveland Lifestyle Cover Dog was crowned. And not a moment too soon for Elin (11), Isla (9) and Mila (4) Jurkowitz.

The Jurkowitz sisters planted the idea of getting a puppy with their parents more than three years ago. They were serious and persistent. So serious, in fact, they started saving on their own to acquire Archie, even choosing his name and breed—noting to their parents that golden retrievers make wonderful family pets and are great with children. Finally, the “somedays” and “next years” came to an end. They got their dog.

Archie’s just a few months old, but he’s proven to be a real nature lover. Known to playfully roll down hills in the backyard, lie contentedly on the lawn. Chase birds and uproot flowers, too? Well, yes. Mom Katie admits Archie’s going through a digging and chewing phase. But the girls are diligently training and walking him when not enjoying lots of puppy snuggles and extra wet kisses. 

Fun facts about Archie: Enjoys exercising by running at high rates of speed throughout the house. Known to mischievously try out an infant’s pacifier for size (fits perfectly). List of preferred activities does not include baths. Yet to acquire a liking for peanut butter (but will happily sneak a taste of cereal).

As Archie happily toddled away from the Nisbet Park photo shoot, he was headed for a rewarding nap. The girls? Some summer fun in the sun at the water park. Welcome to the family, Archie. And congratulations, girls!

Thanks to our contest sponsors: PetCare Animal Hospital, Pet Wants, Fetch! Pet Care, Bella Luna, Off Leash K9 Training, and Dale Robertson Jewelry.

“We thought we’d get a dog eventually, but this year we were so excited because we knew we had pressed the button!” - Elin