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Featured Article

Pupstanding Citizens

Two Four-Footed Locals Who Love Their Community

Article by Nicole Browning

Photography by Matthew J Capps Business Image Services

Originally published in Loveland Lifestyle

Dog stars? We’ve got two. Meet Milo Jay and Luna Mae, a dynamic brother and sister corgi duo—our cover models and winners of our annual contest! 

We knew you’d want to get up close and personal with these two pups (I know I did!), so let’s start with the basics—Luna Mae is a soon-to-be 3-year-old sable and white Pembroke Welsh Corgi; her brother, Milo Jay, also a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, is a tricolor doggo who just turned 2. 

Bailey Vermette, Luna and Milo’s lucky mom and owner, describes the two as a classic cheerleader-and-football-jock duo. “Luna is super energetic and happy-go-lucky, and Milo’s just super chill.”

Despite being night and day personality-wise, these two are the best of friends. “They absolutely love each other, but bother the heck out of each other,” Bailey smiles. And while both pups are the greatest fur-children any dog mom could ask for, Bailey has aspirations for Milo Jay. After seeing how quick Milo is to comfort Bailey whenever she’s sick or going through big emotions, it seems Milo’s future will now hold service work of his own—like visiting Children’s HMC to help kids through tough times.

Not only are these two sweet and lovable (and soon to be working), they’re also active in their Loveland community, inviting all of their puppy friends to birthday parties and corgi meetups at Bailey’s local business, Old School Pix. The last Old School Corgi Meetup boasted a whopping 100 corgis and local vendors. And Milo’s most recent birthday party? A superhero-themed bash that included his own Old School Pix truck photo shoot, and plenty of corgi friends to bark him “happy birthday!”

Old School Pix operates out of an old, rehabilitated school house (which is also available as usable space) with decorated vintage trucks that can be rented off or on-site—guests are frequently greeted by Luna and Milo’s smiling faces. Bailey and her mother, Stacey, run Old School Pix together—you can bring your own photographer, or hire Bailey to take pics of you and whoever else is feeling camera-ready.  “People will bring their pets with them to be photographed, and that’s a lot of fun,” Bailey says. And of course, Luna and Milo are always ready to “say cheese” as well. Good dogs! | 10266 Murdock-Goshen Rd, Loveland | 513.668.3367