If you feel like you eat the same thing all of the time and want to mix it up with tasty Mexican food, you don't have to spend a ton of time preparing enchiladas or fajitas! Here are some easy Mexican dishes you can cook in a bowl with fresh ingredients you probably already have.
Mexican Sweet Potato Bowl with Cashew-Lime Cream
"Rice bowls are amazing. So many different flavors and components you get to scoop up in one yummy spoonful. I’m such a huge fan of Mexican + southwest-style flavors. And I invited sweet potatoes to the party! I don’t use them enough, but roasted sweet potatoes and black beans pair so well together. Sweet potatoes are a fun addition to soup, salads, burritos, and rice bowls. For some reason it just makes the dish seem a little cozier!"
—The Garden Grazer
Grilled Veggie Burrito Bowls with Green Rice
"These easy and healthy vegetarian black bean burrito bowls with green rice are loaded with flavor! grilled peppers, onions and sweet corn get paired with black beans, creamy avocado green rice in my vegan Mexican rice bowl recipe. Wholesome, plant-based, naturally vegan + gluten-free and meal prep-friendly!"
—Plays Well with Butter
Chicken Burrito Bowls
"This Chicken Burrito Bowl recipe is bursting with fresh fiesta flavors and textures you will crave for days! I guarantee they are going to become a dinner favorite AND they are fabulous for entertaining too (burrito bar anyone?) These chipotle burrito bowls are loaded with juicy chipotle chicken (with other chicken options too!), rice, black beans, corn, avocado crema with tons of possible add-ins. This burrito bowl recipe is perfect for meal prep for on the go lunches or easy dinners any night of the week – because you are going to want to eat them EVERY day of the week!"
—Carlsbad Cravings
Follow Hayley Hyer @hayhyer