“I’m pregnant.”
Those words can be the most joyous or the most uncertain depending on a woman’s life circumstances. What is her age? How is her relationship with the baby’s father? Do they feel prepared and are they ready? Those are some of the questions that can be answered at Rachel House Pregnancy Centers (Rachel House).
Kathy Edwards, CEO, explains the mission’s purpose. “It all began in 1992 when The LightHouse maternity home opened a small help center in Blue Springs, Missouri. That first year, 78 women were seen for free pregnancy tests, material needs assistance, and referrals for community assistance. The mission then and now is to help parents choose to parent their children successfully or lovingly place them for adoption. We offer a wide variety of services that help us demonstrate the unconditional love of God to everyone who walks through our doors. Since 1992 we have grown from that original small location into four busy centers serving approximately 3,000 women and nearly 500 men each year - all of these walking through the uncertainty of an unplanned pregnancy. We have locations in Lee’s Summit, Independence, the Northland and Midtown in Kansas City, Missouri.”
This amazing organization provides pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, prenatal and parenting classes, individual case management services and community referrals. All services are free to those served.
“We know that spontaneous decisions during a time of crisis or uncertainty can often leave behind lifetime wounds and feelings of regret,” Edwards says. “At Rachel House, many of us walked the road of an unplanned pregnancy earlier in life or have seen a loved one navigate through those circumstances. Because of those personal experiences, we truly have our clients' best interests at heart.”
Rachel House is a place where scared and confused individuals find a listening ear, practical support and genuine care. By the time men and women graduate from their program (pregnancy through baby’s first year), many say they don’t know what they would have done if they hadn’t come to Rachel House. Vice President of Client Services Alissa Gross tells of one new dad who after receiving services and attending the organization’s annual gala, said that those who support and serve at Rachel House had restored his faith in mankind.
Vice President of Advancement Gina Rookstool says, “We want to see healthy families living out their lives because of the services we were able to provide. Some of the babies born after 1992 are now grown and having children of their own. We like to tell those who support Rachel House that, ‘Together we are making a difference across generations.’”
The administration office for Rachel House Pregnancy Centers is located at 1260 NE Windsor Drive, Lee’s Summit, Missouri. Call them at 816-921-5050. To find out how to volunteer, donate, or attend an upcoming event visit the website at RachelHouseFriends.org.