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Featured Article

Resident of the Year


Article by Danielle Poche'

Photography by Holly Farrow

Originally published in Celina Lifestyle

I sat down with Celina's newly awarded "Resident of the Year", Tawnia King, to discuss her passion for our city. The Resident of the Year Award recognizes an individual's outstanding engagement within the community that goes above and beyond their duties as a family member, neighbor, and friend. The awarded recipient demonstrates a strong commitment to the community throughout all that they do. Tawnia, a mother of four children with a servant's heart, has raised her family and lived in Celina since 1980. She is currently serving our community as a teacher at Celina Middle School. 

Why did you choose Celina as the place to raise your family?

My children's father's family is from here. As a Navy brat, I loved and wanted the small-town life. I definitely wanted my kids to grow up here — in one place. Celina offered stability for my kids after the marriage dissolved. Who and what they had always known, was still here. Celina offered me a variety of small jobs to subsidize my teaching career. I once even mowed the parks and sewer plant for the City of Celina to earn extra cash which was always needed raising four kids!

Who inspires you?


What are you especially passionate about when it comes to your community and why?

I am pretty passionate about almost every aspect of life. To sum up my purpose in a few words—my biggest passion is living an accountable, authentic life through serving others in love. To live authentically springs from the heart.

I am passionate about Celina being Celina. Keeping that small-town feel where people authentically love one another, look after each other, and care for all.   

I am passionate about our Homecoming parade and maintaining the tradition of our town supporting the youth of our schools. I love the parade as it brings everyone out to support our kids.

I am passionate about our city and our school district having a solid, working relationship that continue to partner together for the youth of our community.

I am passionate in keeping Celina focused on the three pillars of our community—faith, family and friends.

You speak often about your faith, what role does it play in your life?

Let’s just say without one’s faith one cannot stand the seasons of life.  It’s our faith that our beliefs stand, strengthening us to weather the storms.  When life has dealt all the cards of life and stripped you of everything—you always have your family, your friends.  Our family reminds us of our faith in times of joy and trials. Our lives are sweetened by our friends. Friends cheer you on and celebrate with you in good times. Those same friends sit and cry with you in times of disappointment.

What have you found to have the biggest impact on the betterment of the community as a whole?

To just do my part plus a little extra. Get involved. Be a part of the solution and not the problem. Give of yourself—Volunteer!

Have you had any local experiences that have changed you as a person?

My Sunday school class and the power of YES! About 12-13 years ago, my dear friend Sue Christopher put together a team of people who did a home makeover at my house.  When asked if they could do a surprise home makeover, I said "yes".  Little did I know- oh so little.  Besides my four precious children, their spouses and my six precious grands, it was one of the biggest blessings in my life! Many people in my church, but also in the community, gave so much to bless me, my kids, and my home. It was a gift that continues to bless me today.

Describe Celina in three words.

Faith, Family, Friends

Pull Quote: "my biggest passion is living an accountable, authentic life through serving others in love"