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Ride the Boro

Building Endurance and Relationships through Cycling

“Ride a bike, it could change your life,” says local Cycle Bar owner, Bryna Podwoiski. Back in  Michigan, years ago, she fell in love with cycling and grew extremely passionate about it. She would regularly attend classes at the Cycle Bar and soon it became an important part of her weekly routine. However, in 2018, Bryna, her husband, Troy, and their two young children embarked on a new adventure to Tennessee after accepting a huge opportunity. In Murfreesboro,  a franchise for the Cycle Bar became open for purchasing and the Podwoiskis’ took it. While a  huge change from Michigan, Tennessee has been a welcome breath of fresh air for the entire  Podwoiski family. Bryna describes it as, “The most wonderful and stressful experience, but all  worthwhile since I was following my passion.” In late 2019, Cycle Bar opened officially with all the excitement and jitters. Unfortunately, a few short months later, the gym had to be closed down due to Covid 19. After reopening, a new air purification system was installed that recirculates the air every ten minutes in prevention of bacterial and viral growth. There is often a  misconception that cycling is strictly a waist and below exercise. This is completely false actually. Cycling is a full body workout and unlike other exercises, is a low-impact cardio workout. Like anything else, cycling is not for everyone, which is why the Cycle Bar offers a  free first ride to everyone. At the Cycle Bar, each class has its own unique ever-changing playlist,  so cyclers get to experience a range of artists and genres. There is as well, a cycling class for every level of skill and energy. There is a total of eight cycle instructors, which have been trained through a corporate process and mastered the skills of coaching and connecting with people.  There is a well-balanced amount of personalities and energy levels among the instructors to lead a class for anyone! One thing, that Bryna really enjoys about Cycle Bar, besides the exercise-- is the community it builds. Customers will even plan outings and gatherings outside of Cycle Bar,  building strong connections. Bryna knows of multiple women who have become best friends after simply cycling together. Seeing the community benefiting from relationships being built through Cycle Bar makes Bryna’s heart soar. Cycle Bar, along with all instructors can be found on Instagram, Facebook, and Tiktok at cyclebarmurfreesboro. For information on cycling,  schedules, locations, or claiming your first free ride, check out their website at