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Romancing the Runway

Medina County's Fashion Show for a Good Cause Returns for Its Fourth Year

Article by Mishalene Wasmer and Emily Shea-Owen

Photography by Dave Toth

Originally published in Medina County Lifestyle

Giving In Style, the fourth annual fashion show and lunch hosted by the Medina County Senior & Adult Foundation (MCSAF), will be held on Saturday, March 15, benefiting Medina County Senior & Adult Services (MCSAS) at Blue Heron Event Center. Mishalene Wasmer, MCSAF fundraising chair, is collaborating with local models and Toni in Style of Chagrin Falls to bring an exciting runway show with the theme of "Romancing the Runway" to the area. 

The exciting event will begin with passed hors d’oeuvres and a champagne tower as guests enter the ballroom, followed by a delicious plated lunch of Madeira chicken and short ribs (a vegan option is also available) during the show. During their lunch, guests can expect to see local ladies hitting the runway in gorgeous clothing ranging from casual wear to evening gowns that sparkle with accessories and unique purses. Unlimited mimosa bracelets, an elevated silent auction, live fashion sketching by Diana Komjati and generously donated cake centerpieces will also be part of the event. 

Returning for her third year, Alexis Walters, Fox 8 meteorologist and event emcee, stated: “I support the MCSAS because it supports a group of people who are often forgotten. Our seniors have lived full lives, building the foundation for the things we do, and now they deserve the extra attention to ensure they get to enjoy activities, warm meals and care they need.”

This year's local models include:

  • Dr. Samantha Almedras, internal medicine physician at Cleveland Clinic
  • Karen Hooven BSN, RN, manager of the care management department at Cleveland Clinic Medina
  • Andrea Hutchinson, local pianist and performer
  • Debbie Kiley, director of Medina County Job and Family Services
  • Chand Manglani, outreach specialist with MCSAS 
  • Sarah Poling, member of the Medina County Advisory Council on Aging & Disability and owner of J&S Poling Farm
  • Dr. Amy Tucker, orthopedic surgeon at Western Reserve Hospital
  • Hannah Wasylko of Baskets Galore
  • Jenny Young, owner of She Did It Videography

All of the funds raised at the event for MCSAS will be distributed throughout the year to further support the needs of Medina County's seniors. Last year's funds helped to support our local seniors by funding over 700 lunches for Senior Day, the Luau & Noon-Years-Eve Lunch, handicap doors, Aldi food-only gift cards, free congregate meals, first aid kits for their kitchens and drivers, pool room furniture, a 65-inch display board, swimsuit dryers, emergency fans and cooling supplies, patio umbrellas, a kitchen prep table, a supply wagon for health fairs, sponsor of Picnic on the Patio, hall rental for Oktoberfest, entertainment fees for Brunswick events, Alzheimer's Walk sponsor and advertising costs. 

The needs grow each year as the community continues to see a rise in the number of adults that are residing within our community. Over 20% of Medina’s population is over the age of 60, equating to around 42,000 seniors. In past years, nutritional needs doubled and in 2024 the amount of home delivered meals exceeded 44,000.

Purchase a ticket to attend this coveted local event for a good cause at VIP tables and unlimited mimosa bracelets are also available to purchase along with exquisite silent auction items. To learn more about the Medina County Senior & Adult Services, you can visit and the foundation’s website at