Bob Brenner has spent the better part of the last decade long-distance running, and double that time caring for seniors at Sunrise Senior Living in Sandy Springs. When the opportunity to combine the two activities presented itself, he ran with it (pun intended).
“Around the time I was turning 50, I got on a health kick, and part of that was running,” Brenner told us. Being raised in Massachusetts, he eventually set his sights on the Boston Marathon, which he referred to as “the Granddaddy" of long-distance races.
The event consistently attracts the best runners from around the world, and the qualifications to join are strict. “The only way to get in was a charity entry,” he said. "Parkinson's Disease has been near and dear to my heart for a long time. My mother-in-law had it for over 20 years and eventually succumbed to it." Brenner reached out and began working with the Michael J. Fox Foundation, which focuses on Parkinson's disease research and is one of the charities affiliated with the famed race.
He began preparation, often running in the Brookhaven and Dunwoody areas, but there was one more thing to handle: a financial obligation. “I had to raise $15,000," he said. “Once you commit, you cannot come in and go ‘well, I only got $9000.' You owe the remainder.”
With the help of his wife Dana, friends, family, and the backing of Sunrise Senior Living, Bob raised $38,000 - more than twice what was required. Sunrise’s support was crucial, as Parkinson's is a major ailment for many of their patients.
With all qualifications met, Bob was able to run in the Boston Marathon, which he completed in April of this year. In a statement Sunrise Senior Living issued to us, they commended Brenner on his achievement and character: “Bob truly is living the Sunrise mission of ‘championing quality of life for all seniors’ through his passion, diligence, and hard work to support such a worthy cause to end Parkinson’s.”
If you would like to join Bob, Sunrise, and others in the fight to end Parkinson's, you can donate to the Michael J. Fox Foundation at Learn more about Sunrise Senior Living by visiting