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Saluting a Hero

Corporal Tamara Lucas-Stokes

The Few, The Proud, The Marines

As a Marine, this means that very few people choose to become a Marine, and even fewer succeed.

"Because of how hard it is, we are very proud of what we have accomplished. We are the Few and Proud, but as a woman Marine we are the Fewer, the Prouder Marine," says Tamara Lucas-Stokes of Roswell.

The City of Roswell recognizes the exemplary service and unwavering dedication of Tamara by honoring her as an Esteemed Veteran.

In February 1979 she signed a letter of intent to enlist in the delayed entry program at high school graduation. In September of 1979, she arrived at MCRD Parris Island S.C. and stood on the yellow footsteps, starting her basic training. After nine weeks of basic training, she graduated with distinguished honors from platoon 17 series, Bravo company, 4th Recruit training battalion. She then headed to Camp Johnson, Jacksonville, NC  and trained in food service and then on to Camp Smedley D Butler/ Machinato Naha in Japan. Her duties included financial accountability, accounts payable and receivable of perishable and nonperishable items for all dining facilities located on Okinawa. "I was promoted twice: Private first class E-2 and Lance Corporal E-3," says Tamara.

Her last duty station was at HM&S 26 Helicopter Air Squadron for 19 months. She was promoted to Corporal E-4, as a Subsistence Supply Clerk, financial accountant. Tamara received a Meritorious Mast award for the accuracy rating of 98% in an accurate accountability inspection as a Subsistence Supply Clerk and was awarded a certificate of Good Conduct in 1983, upon her honorable discharge from the Marine Corps.

Tamara has been a resident of Roswell for 19 years, joining her boyfriend, now husband, who has been here for more than 35 years. “I look forward to continuing to participate in our city’s events and in the North Fulton Chamber of Commerce,” says Tamara. She enjoys golfing, ballroom dancing and drawing and spending time with her blended family.