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School Rules

Superintendent Dr. Sandra Carraway shares on the upcoming school year

This past spring, the COVID-19 pandemic brought an early end to on-campus instruction. As schools open up this month, there’s a level of anticipation mixed with lingering concerns.

“We’re operating in very uncertain, unpredictable times,” says Columbia County School Superintendent Dr. Sandra Carraway, “but we’re excited to have school again. We were out nine weeks of the last school year and the entire summer. I think most children are excited about coming to school, and as long as their parents feel similarly, they’ll be fine.”

“We plan to start the year offering full time traditional school for our families who need their children to be in school so that they can work and provide for their families,” explains Dr. Carraway. “We also recognize that there are families who may have children or family members with underlying health issues that cause them to need to have their children remain at home. Our goal is to provide the very best education for children whether they are learning at school or at home.”

A successful return to school includes planning, preparation, and cooperation. “Just as families make preparations to go to the grocery store or church, we’re making similar plans,” says Dr. Carraway. “When children come through the door, they can feel confident that people in the building are well, that they are going to remain well, and that they can enjoy learning at school with their friends and teachers.”

“We’ll take every precaution possible, and we want our families to [do the same],” adds Dr. Carraway. “If for any reason they think their child isn’t feeling well, we encourage them to stay home. Our children can trust their parents and the adults in their world to make good decisions for them.”

For parents who have questions or concerns, Dr. Carraway says, “We encourage them to call us. They can call their school, principal, or teachers. We’re parents too, and we only want the best for our community.”