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Kelly Geisler (right) and Carrie Owens prepare to serve food at an area shelter.

Featured Article

Serving Made Easy

Gilbert-based Cultivate Goodness brings volunteers together with worthy causes in the community

“There are so many people who would do more if they knew where to go and what the need was,” explains Kelly Geisler. That belief is what propelled the Gilbert resident, along with her good friend Carrie Owens, to found a nonprofit dedicated to seeking out areas of need in the community and connecting organizations and facilities with like-minded people who have a desire to serve.

Geisler and Owens launched Cultivate Goodness in February 2020 after Geisler decided she wanted to do something help the community. Up until that point, she frequently held what she called humanitarian luncheons for friends and family, during which time everyone would focus on a charitable project, such as creating hygiene kits for kids in foster care or collecting diapers for Valley diaper banks. “They were also such good experiences, so I decided that I wanted to take it up a notch,” Geisler recalls.

The pair formed the 501(c)(3) just as the COVID-19 pandemic hit, forcing them to figure out creative ways to provide support from home. Geisler was particularly interested in helping out seniors, who were isolated in nursing homes. Making birthday and holiday banners is a simple activity for volunteers that can brighten the day for an elderly person who cannot or does not receive visitors. “It’s a little something that shows that someone out there cares for them,” Geisler explains.

Currently, Cultivate Goodness features more than 20 service opportunities on its website. These range from creating craft kits for underprivileged children to gathering feminine hygiene products for women experiencing homelessness to making meals for a local domestic violence shelter.

“Our focus is on the community,” Geisler says. “We try to seek out those needs, put projects together and bring in the community members to fulfill them.”

This past summer, Cultivate Goodness sponsored a 1 Ton Water Challenge, which raised money to buy water for Midwest Food Bank in Gilbert. They were able to raise enough funds to purchase 85 pallets, or 163,200 bottles, of water. “That’s quite a big impact,” Geisler exclaims. “When we all put in our piece, no matter how small it is, it adds up to a mountain, and the water challenge was a good example of that.”

With the holidays coming up, Cultivate Goodness offers a variety of opportunities for groups and businesses. “We want to get people involved, because it’s good for everyone,” Geisler says. “It’s good for those who are being served as well as those who are serving.

If you’re interested in volunteering with Cultivate Goodness, visit   

“Our entire focus is local community needs. We want to build a better, stronger community.” — Kelly Geisler