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Sharing the Gift of Health and Longevity

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and togetherness. It’s a time when we exchange gifts to express our love and appreciation for our friends and family. While the typical gift-giving of material things is a cherished tradition during this time of year, it’s also essential to remember the gift of health and longevity to ourselves and our loved ones. If you don’t regularly spend time focused on your own health, consider giving the gift everyone really wants — a healthy you.

Exercise regularly - Many people think exercise is out of reach because they are in pain, don’t have time, are busy with kids, or can’t make it to the gym. But we all have enough time to move our bodies sufficiently throughout the day. When you typically sit, opt to stand. Choose the stairs over the elevator. Do a wall sit while you’re on a phone call. Do a plank while you’re trying to figure out a complex problem. When in doubt … move your body. And even better, move with someone else to encourage them at the same time!

Reduce stress - I often get a response to this suggestion like “if only” or “tell that to my kids.” I get it. Most of us make sacrifices all day long and life inevitably presents challenges. We get to choose how we orient ourselves to them. I like to do a simple mindset shift to being grateful for the challenges instead of resenting them. And hey, look at you right now. You’re reading this wonderful magazine and taking time to breathe. That’s great! 

Be present - In today’s world we are loaded with distractions. We have supercomputers in our pockets that constantly beckon to us. The compulsion of productivity, entertainment, responsiveness, can all lead us to ignore what’s right in front of us. Being present is a gift for those that long for our attention. It’s also great for your own health. Countless studies show living in the now (not the past or future) leads to a vast number of improved health markers.

Treat yourself - The demands of the holidays can take a toll on us. It’s easy to overlook the aches and pains to “get through the holidays.” Another option is to treat yourself to self-care. This can be getting in to see a great chiropractor, getting a massage, joining a Pilates class, picking up a new sport, or just getting into nature. Make self-care a priority and know that taking care of yourself is a gift to others. 

You deserve it, and so do those who care about you. For additional ideas on how to give the gift of health and longevity, find us at

Dr. Eberle is a CBP-Trained Doctor of Chiropractic. A former multi-sport collegiate athlete, his love for movement and helping others led him to pursue a profession that helps others perform at their best. Whether it be performing at work, in your sport, or at home, Dr. Eberle is here to make sure you reach your optimal level of function.