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Simple as Pie

Garden City Flour shares a pie worthy of a gathering all its own

Article by Lydia Kaye Clothey

Photography by Mary Scheirer

Originally published in Evans City Lifestyle

There are few things as timeless and delicious as a homemade pie. As spring arrives, flowers are beginning to bloom, fresh air is wafts through our windows, and favorite friends stop by a little more frequently. This sweet recipe for Very Berry Pie is all you need to create something worthy of calling them over on the next dreamy afternoon.

Very Berry Pie

9-in single pie crust pre-baked (use your favorite)

4 cups fresh strawberries, washed and hulled

2 cups fresh blueberries, washed and cleaned

1 small container of raspberries, washed

1 small container of blackberries, washed

1/2 lemon, juiced

2 Tbsp cornstarch

2/3 cup sugar

Jam or glaze of choice

1. Add cornstarch, sugar, lemon juice, and 2 cups strawberries to a sauce pan. Mash strawberries with a potato masher and mix well. Bring mixture to a boil, then turn temperature to low and let simmer for 5 minutes.  Remove from heat and let mixture cool. Once it has cooled, fold in 1 & 1/2 cups fresh blueberries. Pour mixture into cooled pie shell. Top with whole strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries. 

2. Use melted apricot jam or your glaze of choice as a topping for the fresh fruit by lightly brushing it over the entire pie. This gives the pie a lovely shine and delicious flavor. Very Berry Pie is perfect topped with fresh sweetened whipped cream.

Barb Gilmore is the owner of Garden City Flour. Her love for pie and baking beautiful things has grown from a simple fascination to a craft that has gained a following. You can explore her work and order your own treats by visiting her page on Facebook, @GardenCityFlour, by visiting her website,, or by emailing her at