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Mattingly, N.A.P.'s unofficial mascot, and Nikkee Porcaro work hard on SAT prep.

Featured Article

Simplify the College Process

A Potomac-region business takes the stress out of tutoring, exams, and college applications

Article by Rebecca Hastings

Photography by Provided

Originally published in Potomac Lifestyle

The path to college can be overwhelming, but students and parents don’t need to go it alone. With resources and experts like the team at No Anxiety Prep, families have someone to help. Whether planning ahead for a middle school student, applying to college or graduate school, or needing tutoring and help with exams, finding the right support is key.

Appliquirktion by No Anxiety Prep president Nikkee Porcaro

“How to Make Your College Essay Step Up, Stand Out, and Shine”

For many students, the college essay is the most dreaded part of their application. It can be hard to know what to write and how to stand out. Porcaro’s college admissions handbook, Appliquirktion, is all about helping students do just that. With more than 50 successful sample essays, this easy-to-understand guide takes the guesswork out of the college essay process to help students show who they are. And that’s what colleges are truly looking for.

Key Steps Students Can Take to Stand Out

As students prepare for college, there are steps they can take to get noticed by admissions counselors.

  • Use strengths: With many schools being test optional, students can choose whether or not to share their scores. 

  • Be a leader: Highlight leadership positions both in school and the community.

  • Get involved: Show the different ways you are involved in your school and beyond. Extracurriculars help schools see a more complete picture of students.

  • Aim higher: Participate in internships, research opportunities, and AP/college classes.

The Surprising Secrets to Success

Students discover that the secret to success in education is something unexpected.

It’s not all about grades. Clients at No Anxiety Prep consistently share that the most significant part of working with their team is how empowering it is. It helps students feel confident and take ownership of their education. Whether they come for tutoring or seeking help applying to law school, the confidence boost motivates them to pursue their dreams.

Learn more:

As a first-generation college student from New Jersey, Nikkee Porcaro knows how daunting the application process can be. After obtaining her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland and Master’s degrees at Purdue and Harvard, Porcaro helps students in the Potomac region find academic success. | @noanxietyprep

  • Nikkee Porcaro, M.S.Ed, M.A., President, No Anxiety Prep
  • A former journalist, no one loves grammar as much as Nikkee!
  • Mattingly, N.A.P.'s unofficial mascot, and Nikkee Porcaro work hard on SAT prep.
  • Nikkee Porcaro with her book, "Appliquirktion: How to Make Your College Essay Step Up, Stand Out, and Shine."
  • Porcaro has been featured on dozens of podcasts and news segments, such as the College Scoops podcast.
  • Porcaro loves learning; she has three degrees (University of Maryland, Purdue, and Harvard) and is in the process of earning her doctorate from Vanderbilt.
  • No Anxiety Prep is also focused on its mission of ensuring education for all: the company runs a yearly "Back to School" supplies drive.

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