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Simply Styled

Catching Up with Last Year’s Cover Girl—And Her Personal Styling Biz

Article by Natalie Shawver

Photography by Katherine Dalton Photography

Originally published in Loveland Lifestyle

The age-old question of what to wear daunts and drains us daily. Standing amid a closet of clothes, never knowing where to begin—it’s the quintessential wardrobe conundrum. Thankfully, there’s someone who knows how to turn overwhelming into effortless.

Say hello to Alli Robben.

Alli knows a thing or two about clothing (every woman should own a leather jacket, white sneakers and a black dress). Loveland native, and former assistant manager and stylist at Nordstrom (for both men and women), she began her styling business, A Style Breeze, with a simple purpose: provide clients with a breath of fresh air and make getting dressed easy.

Whether you’re entering a new season of life, feel like you lost your sense of style through the years, or just want to declutter and start fresh, Alli’s services help clients achieve an improved version of themselves. With closet clean-outs, personal shopping and digital image consulting, Alli helps her clients achieve their personal fashion goals.

“Growing up I was shy,” she says. “My personal style was a way for me to be bold and express myself.” 

Now, as owner and head stylist of A Style Breeze, Alli hopes to share this with others.

“I’m addicted to helping women feel beautiful … I hear women insult themselves too often,” Alli says. “I believe we’re part of a culture that has taught women to think they need to look a certain way—I want to help women feel beautiful even if they feel insecure or don’t fit that cultural standard … playing a part in helping women love themselves.” 

Alli’s process is simple: grab a cup of coffee (virtually or in-person) and build a relationship. Before she begins her styling magic, she takes time to get to know a client’s lifestyle, career and goals. After the initial consultation, Alli creates a customized styling package that best fits each client’s personal needs, complete with an at-home audit to take inventory of what the client already has (which also helps with future purchasing decisions). Following a closet clean-out (if necessary), Alli creates a shopping list—clients can either order the pieces themselves or shop with Alli, including try-on and styling sessions.

Finding the right pieces is key (like a simple, oversized white button-down and jeans for a polished, casual look). Her philosophy combines practicality, creativity and impact—no matter what you add to your clothing lineup. While not everyone is meant to be a minimalist or have a capsule wardrobe, Alli believes you should truly enjoy the majority, if not all, of your wardrobe. 

“The items you keep in your closet don’t just take up physical space—they take up mental space, too. Clothing that doesn’t bring you joy or make you look good is like carrying unnecessary weight.” 

While she likes the current fashion industry trend of less-is-more, Alli says quality over quantity should be everyone’s motto. She recommends having items in your wardrobe that are versatile, can be worn through multiple seasons and are easily dressed up or down.

What began as a blog in 2015 has evolved to her current personal styling business, but at the end of the fashion day, A Style Breeze isn’t about paisley dresses or toothpick pants. Alli is all about eliminating stress from her clients’ lives—especially first thing in the morning—and, well, making things a breeze.

“One of my goals is to continue to ‘do life’ with clients beyond their styling appointment. Whether you hire me seasonally, for special occasions or a one-time revamp, I try to always keep in touch. My desire has always been to help people—I think that goes way beyond clothing.”