In the summer of 2006, Joe and Merel Hancock and their mustang team helped build foot bridges in the Jemez by hauling in the supplies by forecart at the Los Conchas trailhead. The Jemez River and other areas of New Mexico forests are very wild and you can’t take motorized vehicles. “That’s when we were hired because horse hooves leave no damage on the trails. In 2019, we were hired to work in the Valles Vidal by contractor Mark Reineke who was hired by Quivera. The horses brought in all the rocks and beams to restore the marsh land for wildlife.”
The Hancock’s have been long time residents of Corrales. They also do carriage weddings and other ceremonies that require a special touch. “It’s been a real joy to make people happy with our horses. There are very few horse people left that drive horses. It has such a history in this world what horses have done in the past. The mustangs have passed away through the years.”
Joe and Merel are working with a new team of horses; a Morgan named Luna and a Dutch Harness named Hank. “We will continue our carriage/forecart business and look forward to making many more happy adventures for us and the people who love horses.” wagonshohorseadventures.nm