No’ah Hunter is a force to be reckoned with. He has a variety of talents and skills, and it's no surprise why he was nominated for Student of the Month.
“At first I didn’t believe it was real!" No’ah states.
Once he discovered his nomination was real, No'ah says, “I was proud because it means a lot to me knowing that I’ve made an impact on others.”
No’ah’s teacher, Melissa Bunzendahl, shares that No’ah excels academically, musically, and athletically.
“He is always willing to help a fellow student or teacher!” Bunzendahl adds.
“He sets his goals and refuses to allow anyone to deter him from them,” No’ah’s parents share. “He’s very headstrong and determined to finish anything he starts.”
No’ah has admirable goals for both his academic and personal future.
“I want to keep getting good grades all year round and continue to be successful,” No’ah shares. “I want to play college sports and eventually want to obtain my PhD.”
No’ah is an eighth grader, and as his freshman year is right around the corner, he knows exactly what he wants to do.
“I’m looking forward to playing high school football, continuing with honor classes and the National Honor Society."
When No'ah isn't hard at work, he enjoys cooking and hanging out with friends. To decompress, he meditates while sitting in a bean bag chair.