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Studio Bliss

Artist Paige Morehead finds solace and inspiration in her home studio

For Nashville artist Paige Morehead, her home studio couldn’t be more perfect. The sunroom — with windows on three sides, fresh flowers tumbling out of vases, canvases and tubes of acrylics at the ready— is her sanctuary.

“I paint with acrylic paint which doesn’t have a smell, but I love having fresh flowers in my studio and around the house for aroma and inspiration. But, being in that room is truly a treat for me. I love to create!” says Paige, a self-taught artist and full-time professional since 2003. “I’m a neat freak and like everything in its place and organized, but my studio is an orderly disaster. Someday I hope to have a larger space to paint, because I really like to spread out and work on larger pieces.”

Whatever her process, gallery owners and fans implore her to indulge. Our publisher and City Lifestyle president both fell under Paige’s spell, and now have her work in their homes and office. 

Her work features vibrant florals, colorful abstracts, black and whites and monochrome abstracts, featured in galleries in the South and nationwide

Paige’s inspirations range from such artists as Sterling Strauser to the great masters of Joan Mitchell, Jackson Pollock, and Edgar Degas. These influences, among many others, have given Paige the tools to fashion a unique style of her own. She uses a palette knife that creates thick textured visions, and also makes marks around the canvas for flowing purpose. Paige infuses earth tones mixed with vibrant colors, accompanied with a rich high gloss finish that makes the painting pop. Paige’s work comes alive in any setting. She is in her studio this month working on commissions for interior designers and individuals and keeping her galleries stocked.