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Stylin' Sleepovers

Beyond 'The' Tents

When Brenda Jarjoura moved abroad, the last thing she expected to do was host parties for all of her friends. After moving to Brazil and then Shanghai, she realized that the ex-pat community didn't have family, and she wanted to fill that need by hosting parties for them. Since her son was a toddler, she started with children's parties, but with time, she moved to larger seated events for both kids and adults... and all in her own home. Brenda became known as the "party person." After 7 years, Brenda returned to the US, carrying the same passion home. "I grew to love it and was effortless for me. I love seeing the happy faces, excitement, and joy," Brenda says. Brenda came up with the tent idea when trying to create a different experience for kids during sleepover parties. It was an immediate hit and gave her the idea to start her own company. Brenda enjoys what she does, and her themes are creative and fun. Her events have been such a big success that she is now in high demand. "I get excited when the kids get excited," she says. 

For more information, please reach out to Beyond Intents, 248-238-1263,