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Summer DIYs

Essential Oil Remedies for the Discomfort of Fun in the Sun

I love the summer! Not just the warm weather, but also because it means flip flops, pedicures, traveling, cookouts, playing, swimming, enjoying nature and most importantly an overall relaxed feeling regardless of the day of the week.

When the warmer weather brings increased outdoor activities, we expose our bodies to some not-so-great stuff. Our skin and hair take the brunt of our fun in the sun. Here I'm going to share some top summertime DIYs: from hair care, to skin care and bug bites to a yummy summer pure-fume blend.

Let's start at the top of our head with our hair. Whether you like swimming in a pool or playing in the ocean, chances are your hair has suffered from it. Chlorine and sun can make your hair a dry, brittle, frizzy, tangled mess

The common theme with all three hair DIYs is Rosemary and Lavender essential oils.

Rosemary stimulates the scalp and promotes hair growth, and the chemical makeup has mild cleansing properties. As a bonus, the aroma is energizing and known to promote a renewing and rejuvenating atmosphere.

Lavender is known for its calming and balancing properties. It can soothe occasional skin irritations too. 

Regardless of what activity you choose, over-exposing our skin to the sun can cause major discomfort long after the sun has gone down. If you find your skin screaming for relief, give this After-Sun Spray a try. Your skin will almost immediately thank you and you'll be surprised and the difference when you wake up in the morning. 

The next two DIYs are almost inevitable, especially if you have kiddos still at home. Thankfully beautiful Colorado doesn't come with a ton of bugs, but any amount of time outside will almost guarantee you a bite or two at some point this summer. Make sure you've pre-made this Bug Bite roller blend and throw it in your purse or car to have with you on-the-go. It will help tame the itching and soothe any discomforts.   

The last summer DIY is a wonderful pure-fume blend. Aside from the delicious aroma, the essential oils in this blend have a plethora of benefits. Hawaiian Sandalwood promotes healthy-looking and smooth skin. Ylang Ylang has nourishing and protective properties. Grapefruit has purifying benefits and provides an uplifting aroma. It’s topped off with Madagascar Vanilla, one of the most captivating and popular scents in the world. 

Wishing you and your family a memorable and [now] more pleasant summer.

Hair Detangler

In 8oz spray bottle mix:

2-3 tbsp hair conditioner

8oz hot water

10 drops Rosemary oil

10 drops Lavender oil

Allow to cool before using. Shake before each use. Spray on hair and brush through.

Hair Repair Mask 

In a bowl mash together:

1-2 bananas (depending on size)

2 tbsp honey

2 drops each: Rosemary, Lavender, Peppermint & Cedarwood oil

Apply to damp hair and let sit for 15-20 minutes. Rise. Shampoo and condition as normal.

Mermaid Hair (salt texture hair spray)

In an 8oz spray bottle mix:

½ c water

1 tbsp sea salt

1 tbsp aloe vera juice or gel

10 drops Lavender or Rosemary oil

*optional ½ tsp argan or jojoba oil

Shake before using. Apply on damp strands, scrunch, and let air dry.

After-Sun Spray

In a 4oz spray bottle combine:

10 drops Frankincense & Lavender oils

5 drops Peppermint & Helichrysum oils

½ oz carrier oil (fractionated coconut, jojoba, avocado)

Top with 1oz witch hazel and 2oz water. Shake well before use.

Boo-Boo Spray

In a 2oz spray bottle combine:

10 drops each: Frankincense, Lavender & Tea Tree oils

Top with 1oz witch hazel and 1oz water. Spray on the boo-boo. Allow to dry and follow up with Myrrh Touch (Myrrh oil pre-diluted with fractionated coconut oil)

Bug Bite Roller Blend

In a 10mL roller bottle combine:

10 drops Purify Cleaning Blend oil

5 drops each: Lavender, Copaiba & Peppermint oil

Top with carrier oil. Apply directly to irritations to help relieve itching.

Summer Escape Pure-Fume Blend

In a 10mL roller bottle combine:

7 drops Hawaiian Sandalwood oil

5 drops Madagascar Vanilla oil

4 drops each: Ylang Ylang & Grapefruit oil

Top with carrier oil. Apply to pulse points.