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Supplemental Sensibility

We are only 43% human. New research suggests that we are made of 30 trillion human cells and 39 trillion microbiota, making the gut microbiome a fascinating place and a host to many bacteria, yeasts and fungi. Our lifestyles have the ability to influence the types of microbiota our bodies support— good, or bad. With the digestive tract being roughly 25 feet of human tissue, it is foremost important to
support and heal the lining of our intestines to better pave the way for good bacteria to thrive and for supplements to actually… work.

Colostrum: While we might tout certain foods in Nature as “superfoods”, colostrum is the only superfood that can be created by the (female) body and is designed to sustain, nourish and protect new life. Not only is a quality colostrum incredibly nutrient dense, containing potent prebiotics, antioxidants and bioactive molecules that support and strengthen cellular health, but it can fortify the immune barrier, creating a seal that protects against toxins. Powdered bovine and goat colostrum are both excellent options. 

Magnesium: An estimated 75% of Americans are not getting enough of the correct types of magnesium. Magnesium is an essential mineral required by every function and system in the body.  It is responsible for over 300 enzyme reactions and found in the bones, tissues, brain and blood. It is also one of the most overlooked nutrients. A deficiency in magnesium can cause anxiety, cravings, constipation, insomnia, weak bones… There are eleven types of magnesium,
all of which can have different impacts on the body.

Oil of oregano: The same herb often sprinkled over pizza, or used in Mediterranean cuisine is thought to have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties, to name but a few of the reasons I often recommend it to support immune health and longevity.
Of course, quality matters when we are choosing a supplement.  Always consult your healthcare provider before changing up your supplement regimen.

Our lifestyles have the ability to influence the types of microbiota our bodies support— good, or bad. It is important to support and heal the lining of our intestines to better pave the way for good bacteria to thrive and for supplements to actually work.