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Teaching Ballet Traditionally

Texas Youth Ballet Conservatory

One must have an internal drive to persevere.

If you have an aspiring ballerina, you should consider Texas Youth Ballet Conservatory (TYBC). However, don’t expect this to be your child’s typical dance class. It's the real deal.

According to Jennifer Dulin, the studio director for ballet, in order to achieve effortless beauty, one must not just have raw talent. One must have an internal drive to persevere through the type of training required for learning proper technique. Having not been taught proper technique early in her life, she has dedicated hers to teaching just that.

After just a few years under Jennifer's instruction, several TYBC students have already been accepted into such iconic programs as American Ballet Theatre, New York City Ballet, Bolshoi Ballet and more. So if you want your child to achieve effortless beauty, now you know where to take them.

For more information, call 214.477.9434 or visit