Sarah Paschke
Class of 2021
Highlands Ranch High School
President of HRHS SWENext Chapter (the Society of Women Engineers)
Where did you get the idea to start a SWENext chapter at HRHS?
SWE, the Society of Women Engineers, is an international organization to advocate for females in the STEM fields. SWENext is the organization’s high school equivalent. I started the first SWENext chapter in Colorado with several other females at HRHS a few years ago. As president for the 2019-20 school year, we focused on becoming a service-based organization connecting with our community and established graduation cording requirements. SWENext is a very important part of my life, enabling me to work with fellow females who have similar passions and interests.
Who do you admire/look up to?
Colorado native and Olympic skier Mikaela Shiffrin. Mikaela has blown away her competition in the skiing world. Her Champion for the Kindness Wins foundation seeks to spread kindness throughout the sports world. I had the opportunity to meet her last winter.
What are your plans after you leave High School?
Attend a competitive college that offers a mix of engineering and art majors, has a SWE chapter and study abroad options.
What other things do you enjoy?
Volleyball and skiing, I skied competitively for six years. I’m inspired by travel, enjoy reading, listening to music, watching movies, model building with Legos, and creating art.
Favorite movie?
"Avengers: Infinity War" or maybe "Hidden Figures."
Bastille and Taylor Swift.
Tik Tok or instagram?
Instagram! I watch Tik Tok videos on Insta.
Distance learning or in-class learning?
In-class learning all the way! I enjoy school and learn better in-person.
YouTube or Netflix?
Qdoba or Chipotle?I’m a Costa Vida person.
Sammriddha Shrestha
Class of 2021
Highlands Ranch High School
Vibe Culture Co. Co-founder and Designer
Where did you get the idea to start a design/apparel brand?
I was only 13 and had absolutely no idea how exactly to start an apparel business. The ‘not knowing’ was my biggest advantage because I never believed it was impossible and eventually was able to prove that to everyone around me. I never really meant to start an apparel brand, but I just did.
Who do you admire/look up to?
Those who have the most impact and influence on me are the people around me, my family and friends.
What are your plans after you leave high school?
I’m conflicted between architecture or computer science, but my desire to find a pathway that allows me to leverage critical and creative thinking. However, I know I’ll want to stay in-state for college so I can stick around my parents for a little longer.
What other things do you enjoy?
Health and fitness. I love the discipline, science, and therapeutic aspects of working out.
Favorite movie?
Any karate/kung fu movie will do the trick for me.
Russ. His come-up story is one of legends and we both share a stubborn ego.
Tik Tok or Instagram?
Personally I’m on Instagram a lot more but Tik Tok is definitely the new wave.
Distance learning or in-class learning?
Ask any student and I guarantee you they’ll prefer in-class learning.
YouTube or Netflix?
YouTube, no question
Qdoba or Chipotle?
Chipotle burrito = tummy smile.