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Al Lyman

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Amazing Book-Writing Gentlemen of Venice

Vince Scarsella & “Coach” Al Lyman

Retired Lawyer Vince Scarsella Writes Good Books

Vince Scarsella is a former prosecutor of unethical lawyers who turned his experience into the successful “Lawyers Gone Bad” series of crime novels. But his literary career didn’t stop or start there.

The prolific author boasts an impressive catalogue that includes science fiction, mysteries, and even one titled “The Messiah.”  He is finishing up his 12th novel – the last of a trilogy that began with his first book: the 2013 “The Anonymous Man.” 

Vince’s versatility is impressive, and he has a ‘game-on’ willingness to take on new challenges. He has written plays and seen them performed and has just completed a “Sizzle Reel” that will be used to pitch a TV show based on the four “Lawyers Gone Bad” books. “The series has drawn the interest of actors Tom Paolino (Law & Order SVU, FBI, and Blue Bloods) and Susan Gallagher (Cobra Kai). They have become executive producers for the project,” he explains. 

The hard working writer goes at it for 3-4 hours in the morning every day, but he doesn’t struggle over what to write about. “Stories just pop into my head,” he says.  

Vince credits Rosanne, his supportive wife of 44 years, for his continued success. The couple (they have three adult children and eight grandchildren with a ninth on the way) relocated to Florida from Buffalo, NY in 2011, then moved multiple times before they discovered IslandWalk in 2018. “We love Wellen Park, especially with the Atlanta Braves stadium just down the street!”

Vince admits he’s always had the need to tell tales and have them read by others. “I was just born with the desire and drive to write and tell stories. It’s like a disease,” he jokes.

That drive has only gotten more pronounced with age. “When you get older, you kind of see the end coming, and you want to get things done!” Check out his author page at:

Going the Distance With "Coach" Al Lyman

Al Lyman is a man of many talents, with an incredible zest for living life the to the fullest and in peak health. The 63-year old moved to Nokomis with his partner in 2016. “We feel really lucky to be here,” he says.

Not only is Al a master sports therapist, he's also a percussionist and the librarian for the Venice Symphony Orchestra. His musical career took off when, at 19, he auditioned and was hired by the US Coast Guard Band. That percussionist gig lasted 28 years and took him around the world: “We were the first military band to travel to the Soviet Union.” He’s also played for five U.S. Presidents.

Al began his health-seeking journey early, after seeing his parents aging beyond their years. “I made a conscious decision to die healthy: to live in good health, without physical limitation, illness or disease until, one day, at 110 or 120, I don’t wake up.” 

"Every day since then I’ve thought about how to live healthier,” says Al. In 1995 he started training for his first Ironman, which he completed two years later. Two years after that he qualified and competed in the World Championship Ironman in Hawaii. 

“That journey changed my life. I started to believe I had a purpose on this planet, which was to empower other people to see that they were capable of much more, and that it only takes one small change to begin.” To help spread the gospel of living one’s best life, Al put everything he's learned into his book. “Age Well and Feel Great: The Proven Path to Solving the Aging Puzzle and Going the Distance."

“I want people to know that there is always hope, and it is never too late," he says.  Learn more at

His fitness journey started early, when 1 and saw how his parents were aging beyond their years,