Sherelle Speed, known as The Art Doll, has transcended personal challenges to create a vivid artistic universe that captivates through its surrealism and distinctive faceless portraits. Inspired by dreams and the essence of everyday life, her journey from rediscovering a childhood passion to becoming a celebrated self-taught artist showcases resilience and creativity. With a signature style featuring skeleton flower backgrounds and a deliberate absence of facial features, Sherelle's work invites viewers to project themselves into her art.
When did you realize your talent?
"I realized I loved art when I was around 10. I used to always draw and paint little ceramic figurines my mom would buy me. It wasn’t until I was 25 years old that I rediscovered my passion and started drawing again."
What inspired you?
"My inspiration comes from my dreams, sometimes while I’m asleep or at random moments. It also comes from the female form and everyday life."
How can your art be viewed and purchased?
"My tattoo shop, 'The House Of Art Doll,' at 6277 Delmar Loop houses a lot of my work. You can see some of my murals at places like Chillax, The Selfie Room STL, STL Happy Hour Bar & Grill, and The Hive Cafe."
What inspired the name Art Doll?
"It was inspired by my great grandmother, who we called Momma Doll. As a child, I had an obsession with Barbie dolls and collected many of them. One day, as an adult, a former coworker told me I reminded him of a Barbie doll with my small physique, doll-like features and how I dress."
Do you have a favorite piece?
Yes, my favorite piece is called "Let Them Eat Cake," located at The Selfie Room. It’s large and detailed, inspired by the Renaissance era. I impressed myself with that piece.