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The Beauty of Gratitude

Local Business Owner, Marisa Barrett, Takes a Moment to Appreciate All Things of Beauty

Marisa Barrett is about to hit her busy season. From now until January 2, she will be non-stop, on her feet, helping other people look and feel their best. As a business owner and stylist, she can expect appointments that range from a 4-5 hour extension installation to a 30-minute up-do. Barrett won’t ever complain about being busy. It’s one of the things she is most grateful for.

When we asked her to contribute her thoughts for this season of thankfulness she mentioned her team, her clients, being part of special days and celebrations, and being there for tough times too. Highlands Ranch City Lifestyle is thankful for her time and her insight.

The Beauty of Gratitude - written by Marisa Barrett

In a world of busy; and instant gratification, it’s sometimes hard to find time to pause. Pause and breathe. Pause and be grateful. Pause and give thanks. Pause and see the beauty of what we are blessed with. A heart of gratitude and thankfulness brings a spirit of peace and joy.

What am I thankful for? What gives me a heart of gratitude? I can name many things which we all should be thankful for such as another day loving my family, another day with my kids and husband… However, I’m going to speak on the appreciation and gratitude for my staff and our clients.

De’Lylahs Hair & Body has some of the most amazing people walk through its doors. My gratitude for the wonderful ladies who work in De’Lylahs is immeasurable. Their day in and day out grind to make every client feel and look beautiful, their dedication and love for their craft and for De’Lylahs is something every owner dreams of having in a team. It’s humbling and something I am thankful for. Thank you, Team!

Thank you to our clients who entrust us with their hair needs every day trusting our education and experience to guide us, we appreciate you! Thank you for blessing us and allowing us to be part of your special days, weddings, births, celebrations but also the hard times. We are truly honored to share life with you.

As the owner and a stylist inside De’Lylahs, creating fun looks, trending styles, and being part of all the wonderful peoples’ lives is the beauty of my job, and I am filled with so much gratitude and thanksgiving.

As we come into a season of Thanksgiving and reflection, enjoy a quiet moment to look back at the year and think of all the special times and people who have supported your journey. We at De’Lylah’s look forward to the joys (ours and yours!) of this holiday season, and another year with each other and our wonderful clients.

From our team to you, thank you!

"Creating fun looks, trending styles, and being part of all the wonderful peoples’ lives is the beauty of my job, and I am filled with so much gratitude."

  • Left to right, Mia (Stylist/waxer),  Dani (Stylist),  Marisa (Owner/Stylist),  Coral (Stylist), and Lisa (Stylist)
  • Holiday hair and makeup ready with these trendy styles

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