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The Blueprint

How Dale Clarke Discovered A New Path to Wealth Creation

Article by As Told to Erikka Searles Mitchell

Photography by Provided by Dale Clarke

Originally published in SOFU Lifestyle

When Dale Clarke was young, he always imagined having nice things and working hard to get them.  Because of this, when he was in his early 20s, he was either working two jobs or working one job and in school.  By the time he was in his mid-twenties, he secured a job that allowed him to earn six figures.  At 30 years old, he had already purchased a condo and a townhouse cash and 4,500 square foot home with a mortgage.

Many people at this point thought that Clarke had made it because of his early accomplishments.  He was 30 years old, married, owned a nice home, and had a great job with a good income for my age.  However, this was the point that he started feeling trapped.  “The corporate environment started becoming very cut-throat and uncomfortable to work in.  I started feeling unhappy with my life.  I now had a wife, a home, and children to take care of.  Although I didn’t enjoy my job anymore, I couldn’t leave because I was no longer working for money, I was working to keep everything that I had worked for.” 

By the time Clarke was 32, he had completed another degree and started his own business.  Earning about $30,000 per year more while working about one third of the time he was used to working, he felt that he had arrived.  “I was making more money and had more time to spend with my family.  But after a couple years of doing this, I started feeling trapped again. “  Although he had a great income, Clarke realized that he wouldn’t make any money if he didn’t work.  This was simply not sustainable. 

 Over the years, Clarke tried different businesses that would a least duplicate his income without having to be present physically.  He tried many different options: “I opened a seafood restaurant, a remodeling company, and even attempted multi-level marketing.  I made money in all of these endeavors.  However, I was unable to remove myself from the day-to-day operation and could not come up with a path to do so,” he tells SoFu Lifestyle.  

 “As I got older, this became more important to me,” said Clarke. “I no longer wanted to work for every penny.  I wanted to know how to leverage systems and processes to do that for me.” Dale Clarke realized that he knew how to create a decent income.  However, he had no idea how to create wealth. 

In 2013, Clarke was introduced to an online educational platform that taught entrepreneurship and how to create wealth through real estate investing.  He says he was skeptical at first.  In fact, the skepticism lasted about nine months.  However, over time he was convinced because he saw regular people of all ages and backgrounds becoming educated, taking action, and changing their lives.   

“Once I started my classes, realized the education was not about getting rich quick.  It was structured much like traditional education.  There are over 30 instructors and over 60 different classes that included: Tax & Legal Strategies, Deal of the Decade, Creative Acquisitions, Business Management, Buy & Hold, Fix & Flip, Market Analysis, Raising Money & Partnerships, Seller-Financed Notes, just to name a very few.“

Because he was a person that enjoyed learning, this was a good fit for Clarke.  “Through this education, I have learned how to make a six-figure income without using any of my own money or credit while making it a win-win for everyone involved.   Although I haven't done it yet, my goal is to make seven figures in one year.  This will not be easy.  However, the fact that I have a realistic chance is a testament to the education I received.   Additionally, I am now on a 5-year plan earn approximately $10,000 per month passively through real estate investing by owning 15 paid-in-full rental properties.  This plan will provide retirement income as well as generational wealth. “  

Prior to this education, Clarke had no path to creating passive income or wealth.  Since he has taken the courses, he has flipped a number of homes and made a profit without using any of his own money or credit, built business relationships nationally, and found more time to spend with his family.  

Clarke would invite you to take a look at the education courses to see if it may be a good fit for you or someone you may know. Visit