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Go The Extra Mile

Pound Fitness by YHWH Fitness

Have you ever looked in the mirror and said, “new year new me?” The thought of transforming yourself being so exciting but the thought of entering a gym being scary and uncomfortable. I had the pleasure of speaking with Rosemary Pagliaro-Certified Pound Instructor at YHWH Health & Fitness.

The first thing Rosemary said was “Give yourself Grace! Change is scary, especially if you have never looked at a treadmill, been to a gym, or taken a fitness class before. What I like to remind everyone is that we all started somewhere. For those just starting out, I try to alleviate the feeling of being uncomfortable by telling them how I felt when I first started, by relating to what they are going through. It is scary, it is uncomfortable, but they have taken that first step...walking through the door ready to face whatever comes their way. That is the true key, taking the first step to health and wellness.”

Starting your fitness journey does not have to be entering a weight floor or going to a cardio machine. Pound Fitness is a true full-body workout, using weighted drumsticks called Ripstix to pound out on the mat or rubber floor to music. Instructors can teach at any fitness level. So, whether it is your first day getting back into it or if you are a pro, all instructors will be able to accommodate your fitness needs.

Rosemary said to come prepared to sweat and stretch! Bring a mat, a towel, and some water. Shoes are optional but remember your bare feet will be on the floor so bring socks if you do not want to slip.

Not only does Pound Fitness improve your body but also your mind and soul. It focuses the mind to learn the movements, it gets the body moving to open muscles and joints, it connects you to the music to Pound out your heart’s desires, struggles, loss, or joy.

Congratulations on the new you! Remind yourself “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside of you that is greater than any obstacle.”-Christian D. Larson

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